Meeting the Devil and the Fairies.

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He was alone, his mother was dead along with his long dead father. His village burned to the ground. He stumbled on the ground running from the damn Zeref worshipers. Now he was alone with no one to watch over him. Then he heard them.

"Hey!! He's over here!!"

"Get him!!"

'No!! It can't end like this!!'

He heard them gaining on him. He heard the spells being cast but something covered him in shadow. He looked and saw a tall white haired man in purple dress cloths and a huge sword on his back. He had what looked to be a monocle on his right eye. He stood in front of the boy defending him from the spells. In the moment before the spell made contact the man grabbed his sword and blocked the spells.

In the next moment all of the mages had been cut from what seemed like spheres with multiple air slashes going around them. He saw the man put his sword on his back and turned to the young boy. The boy looked around 7 years old with dark brown hair, a thin face, blue-green eyes. He had a thin body that had small cuts and bruises all around it. The boy had ragged blue pants and a ripped white shirt on his body. He knelt by the boy and looked into his scared eyes. But the boy said something that surprised him.

"T-thank you sir." The boy was shaking in shock from the ordeal but thanked him nonetheless. The platinum haired man smiled at the boy, not the cruel smile of the Zeref worshipers but a warm fatherly smile.

"It was no problem, my boy. I hate people who think them above others for their own personal beliefs. Besides I saw what they did to your village, and I'm sorry about that." The man bowed his head as he said this.

The boy was about to respond but stumbled when he tried to stand. The man grabbed the before he could fall. He carried the boy and laid him against a tree. He saw a long cut on his side that was bleeding heavily.

The man also saw the boy had an astounding amount of magical power for his age, more than some full grown adults will ever have. The man only saw one option. But it was risky, very risky but if worked he could now the world was safe from his own kind. He could have an heir that could keep the world from evil.

The man took he sword from his back and cut his hand. He then cut the boys hand and grasped it.

"I'm sorry boy but without aid you will die." The boy began to panic but was calmed by the mans next words. "But I can save you. I'm not exactly human and I have the power to transfer my blood to another and make a hybrid. When this happens, you will experience pain unlike any other, but you will become stronger because of it. By the way the names Sparda." The man grinned at the last part.

The boy grinned back, "My name is Michael, and LETS GET WILD!!!"

The forest began to glow with purple light and screams of pain.

6 years later

Year x780

It had been years since that night. Sparda was a being known as a devil, an almost godlike demon with unbelievable powers. He transformed Michael into a half devil. A long time ago the demons had almost taken over the world, but Sparda had turned against his kind and helped the humans seal the demon world away.

Since then Sparda had wandered the land slaying demons and helping the helpless. But due to the demon world being sealed off his powers were to sealed in his body. He only had 1/4 of his powers available to him, but even then he was practically invulnerable, had enough strength to bend steel and crush stone. His speed could rival that of a lightning spell, and his agility unlike any others. But even he was not immortal, his body was failing and he would soon die.

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