Dragons and Demons.

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It had been about 3 months since Michael joined the guild,and suffice to say it wasn't dull at all. A fight started at least once a day, and it was usually started by 2 of 4 people, Natsu Dragneel the Salamander and Gray Fullbuster the Ice mage or Erza 'Titania' Scarlet the Fairy Knight and the girl he saved Mirajane 'The Demon' Strauss.

He never got in a guild brawl often, but when he did, three simple words came to mind to those who involved him in it. YOU ARE F@#$%&D!!!

But other than that, he had been on a few jobs. Delivering a package, escorting a noble, or just taking out a minor demon. But that would change today.

Current time July 8. Year: X780. Location Fairy Tail, Magnolia Town, Fiore Kingdom.

At the guild it was pretty normal with every just drinking and looking at the job board. But that was until a messenger came into the building. The guy looked like he had run across the country.

"I-I'm looking for Devil Hunter Michael! Is he here? Its an urgent message from King Fiore himself!"

Now that silenced the guild pretty quick, not everyday a new member got an urgent message from the most powerful man in the country.

Michael just pondered what the King had wanted with him. He had done a few demon extermination jobs in Crocus before that had gotten an audience with the King.

The old man had thanked him for killing a danger to his people. But the half devil didn't think he would remember.

"What does the King want with me?" The silver haired youth wondered.

"I don't know. All I was told to do was to have you read this as soon as you got it." The courier handed Michael a letter bearing the symbol of the Fiore kingdom.

When he opened and begun to read it, the devil slayer's face grew more and more worried. If he was here, it could mean a lot of people could get hurt or killed.

"I trust this info. is accurate?" The messenger nodded "I see, go back to the King and tell him I'm on it but tell him I'm tripling my usual rates, I'm going to need some back up on this hunt."

As soon as the courier left, Makarov asked, "What's going on Mike?"

"His Majesty has sent me to slay a powerful demon by the name of Azazel the fallen angel. This demon evaded my dad for centuries, always fleeing, but now I quess since my old man's gone he's finally stopped running."

The guild master had a grim look on his face as he heard this. Michael continued, "While I'm confident I can hold my own against him, I'm going to need some help in taking him down. I need long distance and support mages to help me on this hunt. Who here would help me send some scum-sucking demon packing back to Hell!!

While most were scared to go up against a demon but two people volunteered, a purple haired mage in a light-colored coat that went down to her waist. The 2nd person to volunteer was Cana Alberona.

Cana was a young women of 15 years dressed in tight blue pants with her upper body only covered by a thin bikini top. Her luminous brown hair cascaded down her shoulders and back while also framing her cute face.

She possessed a type of holder-magic called Magic Cards. With them she could produce a variety of effects such as lighting, a water spout and a whirlwind.

"I'll help out besides, I need more booze money any way." We all sweat-dropped at that. She was also the guild drunkard. No one knows where she got her alcohol tolerance from but she could go toe to toe with any man. She made up 30% of the guild yearly booze bill. She was even billing some expensive stuff to the magic council.

The purple haired girl who also volunteered was called Laki Olietta. As the son of Sparda got a good look at her she was quite endowed for her age like most girls in Fairy Tail, and was dressed in a school-girls outfit and wore glasses. She had a cute personality but talked in an odd way and hated perverts.

She was a nice girl, but an odd one though. She used a caster magic called Wood-Make, which involved the creation and molding of wood to create barriers and weapons. But she had the weirdest names for her spells. Go figure?

"I'll go too, I need to make sure my spells don't get rusty."

Makarov just had a grim look on his face, if Michael was right, an extremely powerful demon was threatening the capital but could also harm or kill his children. He was snapped out of his thoughts by the young devil slayer. The young man had a reassuring smile on his face. It smoothed over all worries the old master had.

"Don't worry gramps I'll make sure everyone comes back in one piece, besides this guy won't be able to handle all three of us. He may be a high class demon but he hasn't faced me yet."

The Titan just smirked at his newest son and gave him a thumbs up. As the trio turned to leave, Michael just turned to the guild with a smile but had an aura of darkness and evil.

"Touch my bike or my stuff I'll make sure you won't be able to look at a sword without shivering in fear." The entire guild sweated at the threat and nodded shakily.

There were 3 things Michael didn't allow.

1.His motorcycle to be damaged or look bad.

2. When people mess with his demonic artifacts.

3. A shortage of Pizza or Strawberry sundaes!!!!!!

Follow that short list and you wouldn't have a problem. Don't follow it well....Natsu is still trying to unsee the horrors Michael had unleashed upon him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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