Chapter 1

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As usual, woke up with a worn out face and drowsy eyes. Looked in the bathroom mirror and asked myself to brighten up.

It was 28th of January. My Birthday. Well, I don't get it, what's so special about the day you were born?. I've seen people celebrate their birthday's like it's a festival or something. My birthday is nothing more than a regular day for me, although one that is cursed. I sometimes wish I had never been born. "Only if I had a choice, to be born or not to be born into this planet," I'd think as I gazed at the open sky.

"Anyway gotta go, before am too late for work"
[Jack talking to himself]

I was walking down the street when I came across the homeless man who I saw every day near the ChoKnef cafe by the red post box.

He smiled as he looked me in the eyes. I've never understood how this man could be sincere. He may be creepy at times. I don't even recall seeing him for the first time. I'm not even sure if he arrived earlier than me.
I used to live in the country with my aunt before I moved here 2 years back.

I was already late, so I ran to the train station. However, because the train was delayed, I was able to board it.

Every day, the same scene. It's like though I'm experiencing déjà vu. On the train, the same folks, same hustle. This is such a dull existence. I'm not sure if everyone thought the same way I did.

My place of business was six stations away. At a location known as Bonata. I was employed by a marketing firm. Like the majority of jobs out there, this is also an 8-hour, 9-to-5 work.

My life is uninteresting no matter how I look at it. This world is monotonous. For me, the world is dark and grey. Is it the same for everyone else? Do they simply see greys or do they perceive a rainbow of colours? .... I wonder....

I arrived and began working on the new project.

Have you ever noticed that when you're doing something uninteresting, time slows down to the point where 10 minutes feels like an hour? Surviving these 8 hours of the day is really tiring for me.

Well, I managed to do my task for today somehow.

"It's time to go home," Jack grumbled.

The route back home is the same as it was in the morning. The only variation is the starting point and the ending location. The first stop in the morning is at home. The office is the first destination in the evening.
The same hustle on the train. The same buildings passing by the train as i look out of the train window.

I anticipated to see that homeless man beside the red post box on my walk back to my house. However, he was not present, much to my surprise.

"Well, that's strange," Jack murmured.

I resumed my stroll back to my house. I came to a halt as I heard a voice from behind me shouting my name. When I turned back, I noticed the homeless man waving at me from the opposite side of the road.

"I don't remember ever talking to this man. And how did he come to know my name in the first place?" Jack mumbled.

While waving, the homeless man began crossing the road. He was so preoccupied with waving and smiling at me that he failed to check if the road was clear.

As he was crossing the street, a truck was speeding at him.
I'm not sure why, but my limbs started moving on their own. I had no idea what I was up to. I began running towards the man on the street.

"I'm running for a reason. Is it true that I'm attempting to save him? What am I doing here?"

I dashed up to the homeless man and shoved him off the road.
I turned around, and the next thing I remember is a blinding flash of light, followed by the sound of the truck's horn, which was getting louder. I was on the way in no time. I attempted to get up but realised that I was lying in a pool of blood.

I thought I heard a siren. And there was a ring of blue and red light circling me. Someone scooped me up off the side of the road, covered in blood. I was placed on a stretcher. And was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. I was struggling to stay awake, but I eventually passed out.

"Is this the point at which our lives begin to flash before our eyes? Is this going to be the final time I see or hear anything in this world? Is this the end of my story?"

I suppose I was relieved.

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