Chapter- 2

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Woke up, with a worn out face, as usual. This time, however, things were a little different. I was in an unknown environment. I found myself on a bed, dressed in green. I couldn't figure out what was going on. A breeze came in from the window on my right and caressed me.

On my hand, I noticed a needle inserted into a vein. A tube connects the needle to a stand-alone bag of substance. It appeared to be some sort of medication.

All of a sudden, my thoughts were back on track.

"I recall trying to save that homeless man and getting into an accident." Jack conversed with himself.

I attempted to recline in my bed. My legs were wrapped in bandages, which I noted.

A nurse approached me and inquired if I was feeling well, as well as if I was having any difficulties remembering things. I raised my right hand as she requested.
She was about to go when she jotted something down on a piece of paper.
I inquired about the night I was involved in the accident.

"How did I wind up here?" Jack inquired of the nurse.

"After you were hit by a truck, someone requested an ambulance. You were in critical condition when the ambulance arrived at this hospital, and with each passing second, you were moving closer to death. Doctors conducted surgery right away, and you were admitted to the intensive care unit. We were able to save your life in some way. However, because your legs are still in horrible shape, you'll have to stay here for a few months until you're fully recovered." The nurse stated.

The nurse asked me to rest and then walked away with a sheet of paper on which she had written something.

"Is it possible that things might go any worse? , I thought I was going to die, and I was relieved. I wished for the monotony of my life to end." Jack yelled at himself.

Even 10 minutes felt like an hour in my life, which was already dull and uninspiring. And now I have to stay in this hospital for I don't know how many days, unable to walk.

I tried but failed to fall asleep. I made the decision to lie down and close my eyes. Hoping to fall asleep eventually.

I drew my gaze to the window and closed my eyes. The sun was beaming brightly on my face. In front of my eyes, my eyelids are red. I'm going to fall asleep. Someone passed by, the light on my face was flickered by the shadow. When I opened my eyes, I noticed a girl standing in front of me. Looking out of the window.

She turns around. The rays of sunlight passed through the strands of her brown hair, which I could see.
Her face was obscured. Her lips slid up like a theatrical curtain, showing her pearly whites. She gave a kind smile. In my entire life, I had never seen such a dazzling smile.

There was something about that smile that drew me in. Was it because it was innocent and pure?
I don't know her and have never seen her before, yet she looked to be something I'd been looking for my entire life.

"Beautiful..", I whispered under my breath.

"What?" She said.

I startled and averted my gaze.

She took a seat next to my bed in a chair. She was dressed in the same outfit as me.

"So, who are you, exactly? What exactly are you looking for? I'm guessing you're also a patient here?" Jack asked the girl.

"You're correct about that; I'm a patient here," she answered quietly.

Her voice was as light as a breeze. It wrapped itself about me like a blanket made of velvet.

I was struggling to look straight into her eyes. Her presence was too bright for me.

"I heard you yelling at yourself, you've given up on life, right?, I imagine you've been through a lot, huh?" The young lady inquired.

I couldn't answer her question.

"Actually, I inquired of the nurse about the car accident in which you were involved. So, did you intentionally jump in front of the truck to die, or is it something else?" She inquired, her eyes wide with wonder.

Now that she mentions it, I didn't do it on purpose; I was simply attempting to save that homeless man; to be honest, I never considered ending my life in that manner.

"No, I was only trying to save someone and got caught up in the accident," Jack explained.

"Oh, I knew it, you were such a kind guy," the girl said.

"Am i?" Jack mumbled in this mind.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself," the girl remarked. "My name is Autumn Astor, and I'm delighted to meet you.".

"Umm.. Am Jack..... Jack Frost" Jack replied with a low voice.

"Haa, Jack, I'm staying in the next-door room, so can we be friends?" Autumn was the one who inquired.

I had no idea how to respond because I had never had any friends. Is it even permissible for me to have friends?....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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