Second Base

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"That was... fun."

Dream wiped away the last remaining Smudges of dried ink from his clothing. There were still stains.

Ink popped up from the ground with enthusiasm, "So fun! Baby Paperjam is soooooo cute! And- here let me help you with that."

Ink used his brush to mop over the stains in Dream's clothing, and the stains were suddenly gone.


"No problem- anyway we should really bring Pally over for a playdate sometime! And-"

Dream halted his friend with his smaller hands spread over the artist's chest, "maybe Paper and Palette can meet in- a more controlled setting."

Purple swirls, and question marks appeared in Ink's eyes as he took a minute to comprehend what his friend was suggesting, "Yeah! Like a carnival! Or a theme park! Or maybe go universe jumping! Both of them are gonna have to get used to the multiverse after all."

Dream smiled, "that sounds nice."

"Hey, what are you doing for the next hour or so?" Ink asked randomly.

Ink didn't really asked for Dream's schedule, usually he proposed his own plans and waited for Dream either to say 'yes' or 'no'.

"Why?" The Guardian asked, sounding more suspicious than he intended.

Ink wrapped an arm around the smaller skeleton's shoulder and brought him closer, "wanna bang?" He suggested casually.

"Ink!" Dream laughed, blushing madly, "what is wrong with you?!"

"Too straight forward?"

Dream nodded, "certainly forward."

"Darn! I really thought it was sexy," the artist brought his other hand (that wasn't currently holding Dream's hip) to his chin in thought, "was it?"

"well, the presentation wasn't anything special," Dream's blush became more intense, but he leaned into his 'friend' and caressed the bulk of his chest, "but I was impressed nonetheless."

Various pink shapes rapidly changed through the other's sockets as he leaned in closer, "Oh really? Good enough to take my offer?"

Dream bit his lip, "well...I could use some- relief..." Dream allowed Ink to slightly lift him off the ground.


Their cheeks were smooshed together, soft, as they bother were.

Dream's marrow was beginning to feel warm, and irritable, "Yes." He breathed.

He's had a long day, he really has.

The heated feeling he felt now was only matched by the boiling anger he felt earlier today. Or the burning shame.

It has been a long time since he's felt such petty emotions so strongly.

He was certain his brother was laughing at him condescendingly.

His brother.

"But unfortunately, we have things to discuss."

Ink pouted childishly, "I don't want to talk!" He whined.

Dream removed Ink's hand from his behind, and crossed his arms, unimpressed, "yeah me neither..."

Ink sat down, pouting, on a nearby rock, "what do we need to talk about?"

"Your relationship with my brother, maybe?" Dream's hands rested on his hips sarcastically.

"Oh. That."

"Yeah. That," Dream too took a seat across from his friend, "how did this happened?"

"He offered. I answered." Ink admitted vaguely.

"That's it? He just came to you and you went for it?" Dream was very unimpressed.

"Always do!"

Dream shook his head, "Don't be so proud of yourself," he scolded, "I didn't even know he was sexually active."

"He wasn't."

Dream's face flushed completely, a mixture of outrage and embarrassment, "You- I cannot believe you!"

"I think you should Dream. You've known me for a looooooooooong, loooooooooooooooong, looooooooong, looooooooooooooooooooooo-"

"Enough!" Dream waved his hand dismissively, "I am well aware of  your- condition, Ink. But you've crossed a boundary, and I have to hold you accountable for that!"

"Owwh, but you never said you brother was a boundary!" Ink whined.

"Ink, I-" Dream took a deep, deep breath, struggling to calm himself, "you know what- your right. I didn't set that boundary. That's my bad. But I'm setting it now, so you can end your little shenanigan right now."

"Oooooh! But Dream! We're already at second base!"

And Dream's composure flew out the window, "Second Base! Second Based! Ink that's my fucking brother- wait no! What even is your second base?!"

"Well, if really want to know, me and Error used to-"

"Nope! No! Not today, Satan! I swear to Gaster, Ink if my brother ends up knocked up I'll- well I don't really know what I'd do, but it would be bad!"

Ink puts his hand up, "I believe you."

Dream pinched his 'nose' in another attempt to calm down.

Ink shifted around uncomfortably, "So can I-"

"Whatever! Do as you please! You're an adult- well sometimes. You can have as many side-boyfriends, and baby mamas as he like!" Dream stood up from his respective rock dramatically.


Dream rolled his eyes, "I'll never understand your attraction to these villainous individuals..." he mumured.

"I like being yelled at. Even with you. So can we still-"

"Nope. I have work." Dream stomped away, waving his cape behind him.

"Awwww, come on!"

"Go fuck my brother!" Dream disappeared into the distance, not to be seen until he calmed down.

Ink continued to pout on his rock. Alone.

"Maybe I will."

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