First Day 💌

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Holy Shit! that must be my bus. I quickly jumped out of bed and put on some clothes. i decided to put on a black cropped tee, a yellow flannel and jeans with black hightops.
"Morning sweetie" Said my mom
" morning Mom, i gotta go the bus is here bye"
I walked out the door and hopped onto the bus, hoping that it was the right bus.
" Is this seat taken" i asked this boy with light brown hair who was kinda wearing the same outfit as me just with a striped shirt underneath his flannel.
"it is now" h

e said "Are you new?" he asked me
" Yes, me and my mom just moved here from Montana" i replied awkwardly. When i lived in Montana, i found it extremely hard to make friends, but it's nice to know that people actually make an effort here.
" So what kind of music are you into" i asked him. He gave me an airpod " Wanna find out" i placed the airpod into my ear. His music taste is amazing. "Hey, i nearly forgot to ask your name" he said. "My name is Molly" I said softly. " My name is Matthew" he replied
We talked the entire journey to school and through the corridors. " So what's your first period?" He asked me "Ugh i've got english literature" i yawned " Hey don't disrespect Romeo and juliet like that" he said trying to sound cool, but failing miserably. " Anyways i've Got Math" He yawned "Hey don't disrespect algebra like that" i said slightly mocking him. The bell rang. " Hey, i can walk you to your class if you like, since you probably don't know where it is" He suggested i nodded and he led me to my first class. As i walked in i could feel everyone's eye staring right at me.
" You must be Holly" the teacher said 
"Actually it's Molly with an M not a H" Gee how could someone mess up that badly.
" There's an empty seat between larusso and caberra" she said pointing at the seat.
As i sat down i could hear the boy muttering under his breath saying "You gotta be shitting me"
"Ant, what did i tell you, if you bully her then she'll karate kick your ass" said the girl slightly louder than him.
"what do you mean karate ki-"
"So today we are gonna do a class reading of romeo and juliet, who wants to have the role of juliet?"
i shot up my hand
" Ok then Molly, Anthony your romeo"
"Seriously?" Said a voice from behind my seat
" What's wrong  marietta, scared he's gonna fall out of love with you" Said the girl next to me with a mocking voice. she seems cool.
Marietta rolled her eyes and so did the boy next to me.

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss" Read Anthony
Wait so anthony is sitting next to me, this is awkward.

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this,
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss."
I Read.
Marietta Snorted
"What?" I said
" Nothing, it's just i barely even know you and i already know you try too hard"
Everyone in the classroom laughed except from the girl next to me.
"EVERYBODY SHUT UP" She said then smiled at me.
The room went quiet.
The bell rang to stop the awkward silence.
Next Period was Gym class
due to not having any gym clothes i spent that lesson on the bleacher, which Gave Marietta A reason to taunt me more.

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