The Party

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Marietta invited everyone to her party cause her parents aren't home tonight, but why the fuck would she invite me?, she hates my guts.
" I'm not going to her party"
"Come on, it'll be fun" lia says nudging my arm
" she hates me" i said
" shes giving you a chance"
"fine,i'll go"
- later -
i decided to wear this to the party since i'm not the type to wear flashy stuff

" I'm not going to her party""Come on, it'll be fun" lia says nudging my arm" she hates me" i said" shes giving you a chance""fine,i'll go"- later -i decided to wear this to the party since i'm not the type to wear flashy stuff

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lia and her parents picked me up and dropped us off at marietta's house
"it's so big" i said jaw dropped. but she did give off a rich bitchy vibe, so idk why i was so surprised.
"come on let's go inside" lia grabbed my hand and pulled me into the huge house, which was actually way smaller on the inside.
me and lia looked across to the mantelpiece to see 4 bottles of wine on top of it. Marietta grabbed the bottle.
"So whos up for spin the bottle?"
Everyone sat down in a circle.
one side next to me was Lia, the other side was Anthony.
"I'll go first" Marietta exclaimed
she spun the bottle, it landed on matthew. Well shit!, i never thought i would have to see them be all lovey dovey with each other again, but i especially did not think i would see them kiss.
Anthony look away very fast, i knew he was upset. next it was lia's turn, the bottle landed on kenny, next it was zacks turn, the bottle landed on devon, devon went to the bathroom she obviously didn't seem very happy that she got picked, lastly it was my turn i spun the bottle, it landed on Anthony, this is gonna be hella awkward. i slowly leaned in the next minute i saw myself kissing him, it actually wasn't that bad, but we stopped immediately.
- Silent Disco -
Me and Anthony Weren't told that we had to bring headphones so we just watch and stared at everyone, who luckily did not notice cause they were too busy vibing. during this, i kinda zoned out, i couldn't stop thinking about Anthony, why am i thinking about Anthony?!. suddenly i was startled by a group of people cheering on for Matthew and Marietta, i looked to see what was going on and they were slow dancing together. i looked at a very heartbroken Anthony. the rest of the night we both stared at the awful couple, not saying anything.

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