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ARA COULDN'T COMPREHEND THAT SHE was trapped inside a tv show whose plot she had no idea about. She wasn't even sure how that was remotely possible. Though she had heard about things like quantum jumping and the slight possibility about the ability to jump between dimensions, but jumping into the dimension of a tv show after supposedly dying . . . could that even happen?

Speaking of death, Ara couldn't help but wonder if the original her had really died back on earth. The crash she'd been in had been pretty bad, but a part of her hoped that she'd somehow survived. She didn't want to leave behind Saena, no matter how pathetic her original life there may have been.

Besides, she had no definite idea of the plot of F4 Thailand, especially of how it revolved around the character she'd transmigrated into. Ara had never heard of another character in any F4 versions that supposedly plotted to take revenge against the group. But she did recall her sister mentioning once that the original novel the shows were based off originally had two female ocs, that were polar opposites with very differing goals.

It seemed that this version of the show was the only one that had decided to go with that original idea. It's the only thing that could really make sense to Ara considering that she had no idea what the purpose of this whole transmigration was.

She'd tried finding information about the F4 Thailand show she was trapped in, as well as the whole Hana Yori Dango franchise it was based off, but when she searched it up on google nothing came up. It was as though it never existed in this world. She had even asked "her" sister about it, but Naree too claimed to also have no idea on what Ara was talking about.

So Ara decided that before she could fully understand the situation she was in, it would be better to stay on the low and out of trouble. It was already bad enough that she was trapped in a tv show she had no prior information about. If she went out looking for trouble than it would just make it harder for Ara to find a way out.

So that's exactly what she did.

At school Ara kept to herself. Other than her sister and the few people she interacted with, she avoided going out of her way to meet more people. It wasn't difficult given that Ara wasn't really a social person, and it was clear that this Mayura girl she transmigrated into wasn't either, given that not alot of people were interested by her, despite the supposed family and fame she came from, according to Jane.

Jane and her friends were the few people Ara found herself around, mainly because they wouldn't leave her alone. Though Ara had alot of issues with some of the things they said and did, they were nice to her, and in a way provided her a safety net by associating with her as Ara was able to gain some privileges she didn't initially have.

"Let's give it for them!"

Ara sighed snapping out of her thoughts by the sound of loud cheers and applause around her, now staring intently at the food on the table she was still yet to eat. She didn't have to look up to know exactly who these cheers were for.


It seemed that no matter what she did, she couldn't avoid seeing the group of delinquents. For some reason, their presence always seemed to be everywhere. Which meant that Ara always had to walk around eggshells to avoid any unwanted encounter with them, given that she was still pretty terrified of them and the things they were capable of doing with the red card.

God. Even the thought of the red card game brought shivers down Aras spine and made her absolutely sick. The whole thing was beyond messed up, and with the power the four rich boys had made it practically impossible for anyone to oppose them or their actions.

It's what made Ara wonder why the original Mayura was so hellbent on doing all of that when it was clear that she'd never be able to succeed despite the many people and money she had backing her up.

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