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No ones Pov

 "Tommy, do not drown Tubbo!" Wilbur yells trough the yard and puts plates on the wooden table.

"It wasn't me! He did that himself" Tommy tries to explain but Wilbur interrupts him. "I don't care. Now get out of the pool and help me. You too, Toby."

Niki comes out the garden door.

"Sap says the meal is almost ready. Hurry, Will." Niki says.

"I already am but these idiots are being annoying." Wilbur mumbles and looks to Tommy and Tubbo, who are about to get out of the pool.

Niki turns around to the house. "Karl!" After nobody answers she looks confused. "Where is he?"

"He already flew to Mexico with Quackity. They wanted to visit big Q's family." Tubbo says, who stands next to the pool, wrapped in a towel.

"Oh I weren't here. I wanted to say goodbye, but now it's too late I guess." Niki looks a little sad, but she smiles when Sapnap comes out of the house with the meal.

Ranboo, who sat next to Tubbo and Tommy in a chair, stands up and comes over. "Do you need help, Wilbur?"

Wilbur shakes his head. "Not any longer but thanks for asking. Where are Dream and George?"

"Do we really wanna know?" Sapnap mumbles and puts the meal on the table.

In this moment a window, which belongs to Georges room, in the second floor opens and Dream leans out. "Can you guys wait a minute for us?"

"Not really but thanks for asking." Sapnap says and smirks iconic.

Dream rolls his eyes. "Thanks, Sap." He closes the window and Tommy giggles a little bit.

Niki shrugs her shoulders and looks at Tommy and Tubbo. "Get your clothes and come over here."

Tubbo comes to the table with his towel and sits down. "I'll change my clothes after meal." Tommy followed him and nods. "Me too."

Everyone has already sat down when Dream and George come to them.

"Did you guys have fun?" Sapnap asks and tries to look innocent, although everybody knows what he really meant.

"Very funny, Sap." Dream fake laughs and eats the first bite. "We played Minecraft."

Tommy keeps being serious. "Then explain, big D, why you were in Georges room. Your PC is in your own room."

Ranboo laughs quietly. "Stop that Tommy. You're not being kind. They don't need to explain, uh you know, what they did. That's their privacy."

George smiles. "Thanks Ranboo."

"Even though", Ranboo proceeds. "I would really like to know how Dream played Minecraft without his PC."

"Well, you'll never know." Dream winks and looks at George. "That's a secret between George and me, isn't it?"

George starts blushing but Dream just laughs and continues eating his meal.

"You guys are terrible people. But I guess you already knew that, didn't you?" Wilbur shakes his head like he can't believe it.

"Yeah I know but thanks for the friendly reminder." Sapnap says and lets out a small laugh. "But, for real, look at them. George is being flustered all the time since we moved in here three months ago and we all know the reason for that."

Wilbur rolls his eyes and ignores him. "So, I'll stream after dinner I think. Anyone wanna join my stream?"

"I can if you want me to. I wanted to finish my book but I can read it after the stream." Niki says. "What kind of stream is it?"

"You know, just a little talk with my chat and maybe they have an idea what we could play." Wilbur answers.

"I will stream with Ranboo too." Tubbo says.

Sapnap nods. "And I'll stream when you finished. You can host me if you want." He looks at George and Dream who ignore the rest of the group and just eat their meal. "One of you wanna join?"

Dream grins. "Not both? Why?"

"Because you are annoying when you are together and chat won't get enough of Dnf. I don't wanna listen to you flirting with Gogy all the time."

"I do not flirt with him." Dream contradicts and Tommy and Tubbo giggle. "At least not all the time."

"Yeah right and you also don't love him, I get it." Sapnap rolls his eyes. "Whatever, does one of you want to stream with me?"

"I'll think about it." Dream answers and eats the last bite. "But now I have to phone my sister. So thanks for the meal and see you." He stands up and goes into the house.

As soon as he couldn't hear them, Tommy and Tubbo start laughing. Ranboo giggles while looking at them until he laughs along with them.

"Sometimes I can't believe you guys." Wilbur says. Then he also finishes his meal and looks at Sapnap. "Thanks for cooking."

"No problem. But next time I won't cook for Dream and George."

"What? Why?" George really looks confused.

"Because you are unbelievable dumb and flirty and, you know, there's just too much Dnf." Sapnap smirks iconic. "Tommy is still seventeen!"

Tommy immediately stops laughing and looks upset. "I turn eighteen in a month. Don't say it like that just because I'm the youngest."

"That's true but, to be honest, you've never had a girlfriend."

"What about a boyfriend?" Tubbo acknowledges. "You forgot that."

"Yeah of course, he could also have a boyfriend, but you know what I mean." Sapnap replies. "He just never had a partner. None of you guys."

Ranboo cheeks start coloring like Georges did a few minutes ago. Tubbo looks astonished at him. "Ranboo? Something you want to tell us? Or me?"

Ranboo shakes his head straightaway. "There's nothing."

"But you look a little bit caught for nothing, if you know what I mean." Tubbo says.

"Maybe I'll tell you later." Ranboo finishes his meal and heads straight into the house.

"Okay that was weird. I always thought Ranboo tells you everything and anything about his life." Tommy shrugs his shoulders and continues eating his meal.

"Seems like he doesn't." Tubbo replies. He sounds really sad and disappointed.

"He will tell you later about whatever." Niki tries to make him smile. "I'm sure it's not a big deal. He would have told you about that."

Wilbur nods in agreement and smiles at Tubbo, then he looks around to everyone at the table. "Everyone finished? Who wants to bring the dishes back to the kitchen?"

"I can if you want me to." George replies. "I didn't help at all."

"For sure you can." Wilbur tells him and heads into the house.

Tommy jumps up and gets Tubbos and his clothes. He hands Tubbo his clothes. "Now get dressed and then ask Ranboo. I'm sure he'll clarifie everything."

He gives him a soft smile, which is odd for him. But it seems like even Tommy realized that Tubbo's worrying about Ranboos reaction.

Tubbo just nods and heads straight into the house. Tommy follows him after he thanked Sapnap for cooking.

The sun starts setting and bathes everything in a golden light. The white house, the large garden and the entire neighborhood.

At this moment, it seems like the world's perfect and nothing could hurt it or the people living here.

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