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Tubbos Pov

I take a deep breath, then I head the stair that lead up to Ranboos, Tommys and my floor where our rooms are. I knock on Ranboos door and wait. He opens seconds later, like he's been waiting for me.

"Come in" he says softly with an insecure smile, which was odd for him. I give him a small smile back and pass him to sit on his bed.

"Okay, before you say anything, I just want to make sure that you know that you can tell me everything, no matter what it is. I am your best friend and I wont judge you for anything." I force myself to look Ranboo in the eyes while saying that to make sure he understands that I mean it. He is in fact my best friend and I want him to trust me.

"I know, Toby. I'm sorry, I should've told you earlier." Ranboo takes a deep breath and I can see that he tries to calm down. "I met a girl a few weeks ago, her name is Lilly. She is actually pretty cool and I like her a lot. We became close friends in the past weeks."

A smile appears on my face. "Where did you meet her?"

"It was in a coffee shop. I sat there reading and she came over to me and asked if she could sit next to me. So I said yes and we talked for over an hour until she had to go. She left me her number and since then we met up a couple times and texted all the time."

I couldn't sit still so I jump off the bed and hug Ranboo. "That's amazing. Are we gonna meet her at some point? Do you have a photo of her?"

My cheeks hurt from smiling but I couldn't care less. I was really worried about Ranboos reaction and now I'm even happier it turned out to be something this good.

"I actually have a photo. Wanna see it?" Ranboo grabs his phone from the bed.

"Are you for real? Of course I wanna see it." I jump back on the bed and stand behind him, while Ranboo sits down.

He opens his gallery and shows me a picture of a black haired girl. She has some parts of her hair colored in a turquoise color. She smiles at Ranboo who is next to her and they both seem very happy.

"She seems really nice. You look happy" I say and couldn't stop smiling.

Ranboo throws his phone at the mattress. "Yes, I am very happy with her. I really try to be a good friend to her right now, she just came out to her parents as a lesbian and their reaction didn't go that well."

"Oh, so she's another gay friend? You really are collecting them."

"Looks like I'm a magnet for gays." Ranboo looks down at his hands and I can tell that this is a moment he'd rather have his mask on than showing his full face to me.

"Wanna stream now? I promised my chat to play Minecraft again, we didn't do that in a long time." I try to comfort my best friend, cause this way I have to get out of his room and he can wear his mask if he wants.

"Sure. You're having a facecam?"

" I think I'll have one. I'm just gonna go down again and tell the others that we stream and I have a cam, then we can meet on discord, okay?"

" Of course. See you in a bit. Don't forget to text your mods." Ranboo smiles and turns around to start his PC, while I go out and close the door behind me.

I take a deep breath and I can't lie but say that I am relieved. I really thought Ranboo kept something from me, even tho it'd be the first time.

Thankful for the reminder from Ran, I send a text message in the group chat with my mods and tell them that I will go live in a few.

Then I walk down the stairs and find Tommy, Wilbur and Niki in the living room, sitting on the couch and talking to each other.

"Hey guys. Just wanna say that I will go live now and I have a face cam. So don't come in if you're not ready for that."

"Thanks, Toby. Have fun", Niki answers me and gives me a smile.

I smile back at her and go up the stairs back to my room, to set up everything for the stream.

Before I do anything else, I change my clothes to a shirt and jeans, wash my hands in the bath room I share with Tommy and Ranboo, then go back in my room.

As soon as my PC has started, I open discord and go in a call with Ranboo, who is already waiting. I turn my camera on and as expected he doesn't want to, which is totally fine for me.

I ask my mods if they are ready, start my Minecraft, Twitch and a few other things I'll need, then I press the 'go live' button with a big, exited smile.

The first few people join the stream and I turn my face cam on and go on twitter, to tweet my stream out.

"Hi chat!"

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