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Ranboos Pov

This night an awful storm is going trough the town. The loud noises keep waking me up so I eventually look at my phone to see the time. 3:49am. Lilly texted me a few minutes ago, worrying about her parents arguing in the living room.

I try to get her to sleep and tell her that it'll get better and that we can meet up tomorrow if she wants.

An extra loud thunder scares me a little bit and I have to think about Tubbo who hates this kind of weather.

Because I know I wouldn't be able to sleep, I say good night to Lilly, get up and walk silenty over to the room next to mine.

I see the light under the door, so I knock two times and wait for an answer.

"Who's there?"

"It's me. Can I come in?" I say silently.

"Yeah of course."

I open the door and close it right behind me so we wouldn't wake any other people, even tho all of our rooms are soundproof. What I get to see makes me smile.

Tubbo's sitting on his bed with a book in his hand and Tommy right next to him. Both look really tired and it seems like they'd rather sleep than staying up because of the thunderstorms.

"Hey you two." I say and hold back a yawn.

"Wanna join us, Ranboo? We're just sitting here until it gets quieter." Tommy asks me and also yawns.

"I would love to, thank you." I lay down in the gap between them and get myself comfortable.

Tommy continues reading while I close my eyes. "So, as I said, there was this old kind lady in the woods..."

Sapnap's Pov

My phone buzzes for the third time and I groan while slowly sitting up. I haven't even slept for a whole hour and someone already needs me again.

My bad thoughts disappear as soon as I see Karl's name on the display. Rubbing my eyes I click on our chat and read his latest messages.

'Can we talk?'
'I can't sleep'
'Please call me'

I turn on my light before I click on the call button. I can already tell this talk will go on for a while.

Not even a second later I have Karl on the phone.

"Hey Sap" His voice sounds soft and sleepy and I can't stop the smile appearing on my face.

"Hey Karl. Why are you not sleeping? It's literally 4am. " I yawn while saying this and make me comfortable in my bed.

"We're an hour behind your time. Also I'm not used to going to sleep without talking to you before."

It's hard to resist him when he says things like that so I couldn't help myself but decide that sleep wasn't that important anymore.

"Aren't you with Quackity right now?"

"He's sleeping in his bed on the other side of the room. I already woke him up half an hour ago but he wanted to sleep." Karl sighs and I hear him moving in his bed. "But he's not you."

"Poor little baby, do you miss me?" I tease him with an ironic smile.

"You're an idiot." Karl says and I chuckle silently.

"We can talk for a bit if you want, Karl. I don't mind it."

"That would be nice."

Wilbur's Pov

I haven't even tried to sleep and I can already tell that this storm will keep me awake.

I'm still sitting in the living room, a random movie is showing on the TV but I am on my phone switching between my social medias.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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