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Japan, Taisho Era

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Japan, Taisho Era

It felt as if the whole world had shattered. Each painful scream was like a stab in the heart. Tears formed rivers as cries of anguish fill the air. A fallen soldier stood kneeling as his young comrades surrounded him.

The warrior gave his companions a smile. The Flame Harshira, Kyojuro Rengoku. His long bright yellow hair with red streaks akin to flames along with two shoulder-length and two chin-length bangs on the side of his head bangs swayed with the wind as his black forked eyebrows raised with his smile and golden eyes that faded to red with white pupils filled with warmth.

"Oniisan." A young girl choked out. The girl couldn't be much older than fourteen but she was filled with the battle scars of war. Blood dripped from her abdomen as she winced with every tear. Her hair was fiery crimson with embers fluttering from head down and her eyes were red like fire. A dark red kimono wrapped around her and a sword strapped to her side. Tears flew down her eyes as she wept her heart out.

"Akira." Akira Kiara Rengoku. Most people know her as the daughter of the great Flame Hashira, Shinjuro Rengoku. Nobody really knows her, her past was as vague as the sea in a storm. Nobody knows except a few selected members. Akira is known to be beautiful yet lethal as she is brutal on the battlefield.

"Please don't go. Please don't leave me. Don't leave me like the others. I need you." Akira begged the man. "I'm not going anywhere, honey. I'm right here." Rengoku says, smiling. He turned his attention to the young boy that sat besides Akira, comforting her though his eyes were filled with tears too. The boy had ruffled black hair with a tinge of burgundy at the end and a prominent scar on the left of his forehead.. His gentle black to red eyes were filled with pain as he looked at Rengoku. Tanjiro Kammado. That was the boy's name.

After his whole family was brutally slaughtered, he became a demon slayer to find a way to turn his demon turned sister back to human.

Ever since Akira and Tanjiro met at the age of seven, the pair had been inseparable. The duo is known to possess the ability of Ishin-denshin. This power is between two people who have a close bond. This is the capability of talking to each other and looking from the other person's mind and perspective.

Rengoku looked at the boy with a small smile gracing his lips. "When I was dreaming about the past, there was something I remember. My old residence. You should go pay it a visit. Both you and Akira. Very soon, I'll be dead. Before that happens, I need you to hear me out. I have a younger brother named Senjiro, please tell him to follow his heart and walk down the path he feels is right. And tell my father that I want him to look after himself. Promise me that you will take care of Akira. Protect her like you would protect your family. Make sure she chooses the right path in life and will never regret the choices she has made in the past."

Akira sobbed as Rengoku gave her a look filled with love. She felt every muscle in her body ache to keep the man she called brother alive. The man that showed her what it meant to be loved, alive. She didn't want him to leave. She wanted him to stay. Stay with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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