Diary entry #3 Primary school

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Dear diary,

So this entry is probably going to be short as I don't remember a lot, so let me start with the good things I remember from primary school. So first things first, I had friends. I had multiple friend groups, so let's start with my first friends since nursery. We were a group of three, and let me give you a heads up. I have been in quite a few trio friendships in my life, and you would think I have learned my lesson. Anyway, if you know, that's all I'm going to say about trio friendships for now. So let's get back to writing about my first friendship group.

We started in the nursery or reception. I'm not really sure. Anyway, that friendship went on forever,well forever, as in year six. That's when all these friendships ended. Then we all went off to secondary school. Anyway, everything was good. I guess we just all slowly grew up and went into other friend groups, but we were always still friends; we never fell out; we were still talking, but we just had other friend groups. Well, I had a lot, so next I will talk about this random friendship group I was in.

I don't remember a lot, but I think it was alright. I mean, I guess it was a wired friendship group. I'm trying to think back. I don't think they liked me as much. There was one girl, though we were close. We were good friends. I guess that's all for that one. Now there are two more main friendship groups that I think are worth mentioning. First, another trio friendship. I mean, this one isn't bad as secondary school; I will get to that soon.

In this friendship group, we were all friends. The other two had their bad days. They argued for some days, but they were still friends by the end, and I was always in the middle of everything. When they were arguing or weren't talking, I never knew what to do or who to hang out with, and it sometimes felt like they were competing against each other, but this friendship group was good and fun. We always had sleepovers at my house, or I went to theirs. I mean, it was always one of them with me. The only time we were all together when it wasn't school was my birthday, but I don't know. I guess that's just how it was; I don't really remember why. Okay, so last friendship group that's worth mentioning and that I remember before going onto the bad minor parts of primary school.

In this friendship group, I don't really remember who was in it. I only liked the three girls who were in it. like they were the main ones who would hang out with me. Anyway, this part of my life is when I realised how much I liked music and singing. We were like our own girl band. Ironically, we mostly only sang little mix songs. I don't know; we were all just obsessed. Okay, so I think I'm done writing about friends for this part of my life. Next are just the little bad things that happened.

When I'm thinking back, I realise I was never really liked. I mean, back then, I'm not sure if I realised it, but now, thinking and remembering this part of my life, most of the kids except for my friends that I luckily had. The rest of them, well, they never really let me play with them; like, every time I asked, they would act wired or say something. They were fine with the rest of my friends, but not me. There were these girls who I tried to sit with at lunch. This was the first time I knew them, but this was the first time eating with them. I don't know why, but anyway, they were sitting on the other side of the table. So normally, I thought when people would say bad things about you, they would do it behind your back. But they said it right to my face. I mean, I don't know what they exactly said, as it wasn't English. But since then, I've thought about it, and I just can't put it in a way that they were secretly saying something nice; I mean, they were saying it in a language they know I can't understand. I know they said my name and kept eyeing me and laughing. I mean, I hope I am overthinking and I am wrong, but I don't think so.

There was also this time when I was young. This one is a blur, though. I'm not really sure how old I was, but I know I was young, maybe in year one. There was this boy; he was way older than me. Thinking about the time, I'm pretty sure he was in year five. He was always just randomly pushing me to the ground, and just so you know, the ground was concrete. But I was so confused, as I didn't even know who this guy was. It didn't last long, though. But just thinking back, even though it was something small, it's kind of sad that these small, annoying bad things happened to me. I was just a kid. I probably didn't care back then, but it annoys me now.

Anyway, I haven't been to a primary school for years. I mean, obviously, I'm eighteen. You can't exactly go to a primary school for fun to see what it's like unless you're a teacher working there, so I don't exactly know if primary school is the same as when I went there, but I hope all the kids at primary school right now are having the best time of their lives.

Okay, that's it for primary school. I mean, there's one more thing: my first crush, but I don't exactly know if that's important or not. There's not a lot to say again; it's blurry; it happened in year five and went through to year six; that's pretty much it. Okay, I guess the next thing I need to write about is when my life went downhill and shit, aka secondary school, well my first one that started it all.

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