
79 4 0

November 2011

Flustered, he stared upward at the regally poised man towering upon him - when Eddy - drunk as he was - gently leaned down into his neck and nuzzled his nose into the curve, soft purring betraying his parted lips.



"Will you be my boyfriend?" He cooed with nonchalance, clearly unaware of the other man's stupefied gaze as he gently began nipping at the soft skin underneath his jawbone - his warm hands innocently running through Brett's hair and a knee carefully thrown over the armrest of the couch.

Startled at the sudden happenings, Brett jerked up straight, body rigid as a solid as he mustered up a tremendous effort to keep the quiver in his voice at bay.

 "You're drunk Ed-"

"Is that a no?" Eddy's puppy eyes stared up into Brett's. 

"Wha-? No! fine." He blurted, a soft blush creeping onto his cheek.

Eddy giggled, his hot breath was upon Brett's ear as his dazed eyes traced the outline of the other man's glossy lips, warm and inviting. He gulped at the intoxicating sight.


Brett breathed and pulled him in closer with a swift flick, palm cupping his cheek- relishing the feeling of chapped lips against those deliciously luscious ones, the taste of them unfurling all his senses. He held back a moan as Eddy deepened the kiss in response, waves of pleasure rolling through him with each stroke - goosebumps littered his soft skin.

Brett's eyes widened as he slowly lost all sense of being, his body melting into the union of their mouths, his thoughts getting clouded by Eddy's warm tongue brushing past his inner cheeks and teasing the uvula, coating his own tongue in the liquor's bitterness - the only grounding to reality being the long fingers tangled in his hair and the white knuckle gently stroking his neck. Time seemed to stop as the scent of the other man grew hypnotic beyond reason.His heart thumped rapidly against his ribcage, drowning the deafening hoots and cheers around them, as if nothing else except the pair existed, not in this moment. 

After what felt like a 'split second' in heaven to Brett, Eddy eventually broke the trance and collapsed onto the couch with a groan, the alcohol finally getting the best of him.


People have a lot of fears

Needless to say, our hero had his fair share too, but those were entirely washed out by the softness of the warm skin occasionally moving past his cheek as he tightened his grip in response and closed his eyes again, falling into a deep slumber.

His safe haven.


Eddy woke up to the sound of his phone chiming. Clutching his forehead, he winced at the searing pain that shot through it at the sudden brightness of his surroundings. The sun was at its full glory. Must be noon. He pulled out his phone, stifling a yawn. 12:02, he sighed, classes were frequently becoming backlog now and the final exams were not very far...he'd have to step up.

Brett Yang, 12:01

Hey, you up?

                                                                                                          Eddy Chen, 12:03

                                                            Yeah, I am now, still hung-over though :(

                                                                                      What happened last night?

Brett Yang, 12:04

Oh, not much, you asked me to be your boyfriend


                                                                                                         Eddy Chen, 12:04


Brett Yang, 12:04

I said yes, doofus

A blush crept onto Eddy's face as a few vivid memories resurfaced in his brain.

                                                                                                        Eddy Chen, 12:05

                                         Good good. Bye, don't text in class, see you later

Brett Yang, 12:05

 There's ibuprofen on your table.

He glanced at the water and the medicine neatly kept beside him and smiled. Brett always knew what to do.

                                                                                                         Eddy Chen, 12:06


Brett yang,12:07

No problem ;) Take care.

Eddy sat up and groaned, putting his feet on the ground, flexing his toes as if to see whether they would support his torso. He dunked down the ibuprofen and scrolled through his contacts, the hangover now reduced to a dull throbbing at the back of his head. 

Okay, onward to more pressing problems now.

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