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Your POV

“This is junk,” After hearing those words, I saw my painting fly from her hand down to the trash can, “Can't you elaborate your works? Make it more impactful and grandeur so that it will fit perfectly wherever I put it around my house. I want more reflectance about the paintings you make from my divinity. This doesn't mean that I am Japanese, you will give me this garbage dragon art? Come back next time if your works are good enough to be appreciated.”

I was biting my lower lip as I tried to calm myself from dismay. She didn't care how much hard work I put into making those and yet, she just threw it away like a piece of trash paper. Before the bodyguards escorted me outside of her abode, I took the chance to grab back the painting from the bin and then quickly left her place.

My disappointment is eating me not because she didn't accept it but because I can't put the value she wants. Maybe I did my best on proving and sharing my works however is there any verity that I can thrust with this ability? I sighed in frustration. Others might think this is outrageous since being a painter, you need inspiration and aspiration to come up with such a glorious output. What if me as a self-love painter, I don't have any of those? Is that normal? Whatever.

I don't believe in those values, we don't have to. Being persistent and hell-bent is sufficient for me. It's just, I'm too afraid to have the eagerness to desire for something or...someone?

I'm just a normal gal who loves painting and benefits from it for the sake of myself, for the reason that I don't have a family anymore. Another deep sigh escaped from my mouth as I took my path going to my preferred atmosphere.

“Well, if she doesn't want this, might as well transform this to more perceptible,” I uttered to myself as I keep walking.

The sun is not that warm, the air breeze is just mild that it felt so light when it touches your bare skin. My hand gripped the bag that I'd been carrying when the frustration hits me again.

You need to calm down Y/N L/N, yes that's right. Calm down.

It's not that far from my cherry-picked spot. To be honest, it is my comfort zone whenever I feel down and anxious about everything in my life. 

A modest lopsided smile appears on my lips as I finally arrived. It is nearby the big river, under the bridge. Usually, this area is where I ran into. It's peaceful here compare to the main city where all the noises of vehicles, people, and many more are always being a horrendous places to live in.

I sat on the green grassy ground next to the flowing river as I place the canvas above my thighs, took the paints out from my bag, and starts re-doing the art.  I'm just in the middle of covering the whole thing with white paint as my fingers and hand tremble. Nevertheless, that didn't stop me, this is nothing.

The brush begins to fondle its tip onto the white flat surface of the base, but it stopped stroking halfway. I want to change this concept, I wanna prove that this is not just a piece of garbage, that it has worth. But why, why my mind starts to be in oblivion. All I can see is void, there's nothing in there. My thoughts turn into blank and raven, and it all brings back the bizarre memories.

I use to have a family, in the orphanage. They all treat me well, although as the year's ages, those kinds and wondrous gratification wrench into a browbeating one. Those stares they gave me while inside of the foundation is like giving me multiple slaps of not being appreciated enough, that's why I left.

All this time, even other people think that I am not worth enough, especially with my skills in painting. I tried my very best to stand on my own feet, even though I am alone. Teardrops start to slip from my eyes down to my canvas. I sobbed and sobbed as I let out an outcry. My eyes stared at the crystal clear river as it kept shedding tears. Even at this point, no one will ever come up for me and ask if I'm okay. No one will ever comfort me, I'm alone all of my life. My paintings are the family I only have.

Not that far from me, I heard some light footsteps. It starts to be louder as time passes by. Is there someone behind me? Surprisingly a wind starts to blow up. A not normal wind. I hurriedly reach out for my canvas frame, afraid of losing it by the wind. What's with the wind?

All of a sudden, a sweet sandalwood scent swayed between my nostrils, and it feels like I'm laying on a ground of sakura flowers. Where did this smell come from?

“Are you okay?” A deep baritone voice echoed in my ears.

I instantly turn my back to see who it is but my sight is a bit blurry since the tears are covering it. I can tell, it's a guy, a weird guy to be exact.

“Hey Lady, how do you feel?” He asked again, his voice being so calm.

My mouth is like being glued together, my tongue can't even move. I was startled when his hand starts to get closer to my eyes, nonetheless, I heard him chuckle sexily. He started wiping my tears with his thumb and for that, I can see him now clearly. I'm still a little bit shocked by this man in front of me. His lips curved into an assertive smile.

“Why does a delightful lady is all alone under this bridge, next to the river, crying?”...

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