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Living in a world that power and look matters, sucks right?
And I am one of the fucking lucky persons whom inherited a weak and ugly features. Wishing, hoping to be recognize or atleast be respected.

Mark the sarcasm

Unaccepted, disrespected, shame,

Cause of death of the persons whom treasured me...

Hated, for an unknown reason.

Death chasing me.

Love, care? I rarely feel...

All i feel is betrayal.

Even the persons you trust the most, can betray you to survive.

Living to fight your fate

Escaping from the cruelty

Killing to survive


World where beauty lives with darkest lies, shining pale skin tainted with blood, smiles that hide their wickedness, good appearance to hide the misery and envy.

Place like a fantasy, A dream of many

Ruled by the most beauty

That still envy...

Then how about me? An ugly?


Hehe first story ko kaya kung panget kayo na bahala kung tutuloy kau ng basa, practice langss

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