La primera cita - part 2

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"Ay que verguenza, estoy borracha" Flavia softly laughs when they get up, Javiera offering her support by firmly holding her waist.
"¿Qué? No. Estas muy linda." "Me encanta verte así: libre, feliz.”
"Siempre soy feliz cuando estoy contigo" Flavia answers without thinking and Javiera smiles in a way that must hurt her cheeks, but she couldn't care less.
“Y yo me voy a encargar de que siempre sea así, mi amor" Javiera says and takes her hand to her lips to place a velvet kiss on her knuckles, in that way that always makes Flavia's heart stop.
Miguel takes Flavia to the coatroom while the other woman visits the toilet, after a soft peck on her cheek.
"Espero que usted y su señora hayan disfrutado de todo" he politely says and Flavia is enchanted by his choice of words. Of course Javiera is her woman but this is probably the first time she hears it from a stranger.
"Estaba todo perfecto, muchas gracias" she tells him just before "su señora" reaches for them. The couple thanks him again and says goodbye, they have no clue but they still have Miguel's eyes on them when they let the door close at their backs and he's still smiling at himself.

"Que linda está Santiago de noche" Flavia says walking hand in hand with her woman. The air outside is slightly colder than a couple of hours ago and she leaves that hand to better fix her coat as looking around, and somehow the city lights seem to sparkle brighter, reflected in her eyes.
"Parece ser que han pasado mil años desde la última vez que salí así, sin preocupaciones, sin prisa por ir a algún lado" she adds, admiring the tall buildings, the plants on the windowsills, the signs of bars and clubs with the wonder of a child at Christmas time. The thing about this gaze of hers, of this smile on her lips is that the more Javiera sees it, the more she wants to see it, to elicit it. She doesn't think twice before offering her forearm to the other woman:
"Sígueme entonces." She says and Flavia takes it, enchanted by being at Javiera's side, walking down the street like they came out of a romantic movie where everything is joyous and perfect.
"¿Y dónde vamos?" She asks.
"Te llevo a ver Santiago de noche" the inspector answers as matter of fact and watches her beam.

Flavia feels like she's the luckiest woman on Earth, she's almost sure she is, as she holds Javiera's arm and lets her take them everywhere she wishes. They dive in the crowd, people of every age are standing outside of the bars or sitting at fancy tables, talking, laughing, the whole city seems happy tonight, bright, perfumed, colourful. Metres are trying to invite the last clients in, groups of friends are meeting, others are calling it a night. It's warm and dry, it's the perfect weather to walk around but Flavia is sure that not even the pouring rain would be able to ruin this.

Javiera hasn't spent too many nights out herself, her shifts have always kept her from getting used to it and Maira wasn't exactly the person that chooses a fancy restaurant over a crowded bar. It's not that she complained, she would have happily done it every night if she could, for Maira, she didn't care where she was as long as she was with her. Javiera doesn't like to make comparisons but with Flavia it is different, everything. She spent days trying to find a place that would keep up with her, not that she would have complained about it, or cared, or even noticed, but it's not that. It's that Javiera feels the duty to give this woman the best the world could offer, because she's never had it, because she is so, so worth it.
Flavia put a spell on her, made her do things she would have never done for anyone else, things some would call silly if not crazy. She has always thought too much and Flavia made her stop thinking, as long as she was there, as long as she was smiling, nothing else mattered.
That's the reason that makes the inspector stop by a man trying to sell roses to passersby, that makes her conclude what has all of the earmarks of being his only sale tonight. There's nothing that Flavia's embarrass can do when the man calls her "Tan linda señora" and Javiera agrees with him.

"No, por favor, no tienes que regalarme una rosa" She giggles as she tries to take the other woman away.

"Si se que no tengo que hacerlo pero por qué no soy libre de regalar una rosa a mi señora ¿si quiero?" Javiera asks without waiting for an answer and buys the most beautiful rose she can get.

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