Chapter 1

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January 24

"Run!" He yells as she stands there frozen in shock. Everything is in slow motion, just like it were in the movies. Her heart is pounding like a wild thing in her chest and her breathing is slow, maybe even a little labored.

His voice brings her back to the reality that they were now facing. "Reileigh, RUN" this time he beggs her, the yelling from earlier were now pleas. She catches his eyes as he is trying to hold down the man that had towered over him just a few minutes ago.

January 24

Rhyleigh and Jacelynn walk into the very familiar classroom. Their favorite subject. Mostly because they both had a crush on someone in the class, but also because they had a tremendous interest in the subject.

They go to sit at their assigned desks and almost instantly resume the babble they had a second ago. Rhyleigh is watching the door hoping that Jax would enter the class. He had the tendency to skip school quite often.

Something about this morning felt off but she wasn't sure what it was. Her thoughts however were pushed aside as she saw thé Rhyse Jaxxon Grant enter. As per usual the first team captain's warm toned skin is glowing, his jet black undercut hair styled neatly.
She couldn't help but stare at the handsome guy all the girls gouged over.

Kicking her chair, Jacelynn pulls Rhyleigh out of her stare just before jax looks in her direction.

"Are you ever going to get over this little crush of yours?" Jacelynn whispers
"Mmh, says the girl who has had a crush on someone for more than a year even after he made it clear he wasn't interested"
"Hey!! Well atleast i made an attempt, you just stare at the guy"

"Ok textbooks out, open on page 116" the teachers voice comes rumbling through the door breaking up all the conversations that had filled the class."

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