Hat, shirt, and hoodies

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"Saul, I think you should make hats, shirts, and hoodies for him."

"Ok, what should the design look like?"

"I think the hat should have his first and last name initials, then on the side his baseball number and then on the other side it should say in loving memory of Gannon Graham."

"Ok, the shirts and hoodies?"

"It should say one of his quotes that he said all the time, like "hours upon hours of sweat and tears and you still get nowhere? I think you're not trying hard enough because you haven't bleed yet." Then on the back it should have his number." He nodded and wrote down the ideas, "oh, you should also put a baseball bat with his initials in the middle."

He nodded and stuck the paper in his bag.

"I'll tell the other guys, ok?"

I nodded and watched him walk away, I got up and walked to my car. I got in and  drove back home. I parked my car and walked inside of the house. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom cooking dinner.

"Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling?"

"Fine mom, what's for dinner?"


"Cool. Saul and I are designing stuff for Gannon."

"That's really sweet, honey. I'll call you down when dinner is ready."


I walked upstairs and laid down in my bed, I grabbed his hoodie and brought it up to my nose. It still smells like him.


"Bailey, wait up."


"Look I'm sorry, ok?"

"Gannon, I told you it's fine."

"But that's the problem, you say it and you don't sound fine."

"But I am, so just leave it."

He nodded and kissed my nose, we walked out to his truck. I shivered, cause it was cold. 


He handed me his hoodie, I smiled and took it. I put it on and he wrapped his arms around me.


"You're welcome, I love you."

"I love you too."

(End of flashback)

"Bailey, dinner's ready."

I got up and walked downstairs, I grabbed my plate and walked into the dining room. I started eating. Once I got done, I walked back into the kitchen and set my plate in the sink. 


"Saul, what is this?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The shirt or hoodies don't say my name on it. They only say yours, Hayes, Macs, and RJ's."

"You never said that you wanted your name on it."

"I didn't have to say that, you should've assumed that my name should've been on it."

"Why? Because you're his girlfriend?"

"Exactly, you and the other guys are his best friends and you're names are on it. What makes me so different?"

"I asked the guys and they said that your name shouldn't be on it."

"Ok? Did you tell them that I was the one who had the idea, the one who told you about it? If I hadn't told you about my idea, you wouldn't have done anything."

"Then why didn't you do it yourself?"

"Because I wanted to talk with you about it."

"Well, everything is already finalized and we can't change it."

I groaned and walked out of his house, I got in my car. I drove to the open field where we had our anniversary date, I sat in my car and rested my forehead against the steering wheel. I started thinking about, what I should do about it. I realized that Gannon wouldn't want me to do anything, since it was his best friends. So I just left it behind me and drove back home.

I love you, Bailey SimmonsWhere stories live. Discover now