Chapter Two

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- Phew!!! Finally finished chapter 2. I seriously suck at this but my desires are my inspiration. And anyways, just wanted to do this for fun. I swear I will pick a better cover but seeing as I haven't found one means that I have to make one. Oh boyyy. But anyway, have fun reading!

Ares wiped her hand with a towel as soon as she finished cleaning the very unsightly waste of that bird.

" Fucking bird "

Ares silently cursed while she turned the tap off. She looked at hand and grinned.

" That bird dares to filthy someone who is meant to be graceful. I will not allow this mockery. Next time I see that bird, I will grab him and pluck his feathers one by one. "

Ares laughed at the prospect of a bald bird while she wiped her hand. She could see her reflection reflected in the puddles of water, shining as if waiting to be seen. Ares held her hand and looked towards the water, clearly giggling like a maniac.

" Even my hand is beautiful, what part of me could ever be so foul? " said Ares as she giggled and hummed her tune.

Ares could never understand why no one embraced her beauty. When she first came to school, she had expected to be praised and loved by her fellow classmates, only to find out that no one even noticed her as she made her way to class albeit even when she introduced herself to her classmates. All they did was snort at her and look away while some of them hid their amusement with a little cough here and there.

Some  students wanted to be her friend, a little greeting to the new member of the class, however they were disappointed when they saw that she was clearly, only caring for herself. That thought made them distant towards her, leaving her to be friendless for 2 years of education. But despite this, Ares didn't mind, in fact she welcomed the idea of having no friends at all.

" What's the point of having friends when they clearly don't admire my radiant beauty? " said Ares while sipping milk tea on a fine day as she was asked to " hang out " with her brother.

" Ya know sis, that's the problem with you. Ya don't care about them as you only look out for yourself. Friendship is about being friends so what's the point of friendship if there's only one of you? "

Ares clicked her tongue at her brother, looking at him as though he was truly wrong, no, he was definitely wrong. After all, Ares was the big sister. He didn't crawl out of the womb first, did he?

Her brother just sighed as he sipped his tea while looking at his narcissistic sister.

" May god help my sister, " he whispered as he prayed that very night.

Ares who was quite oblivious to this prayed that her beauty would be everlasting, never to fade.


Ares walked towards the hallway passing by the field in which figures in p.e uniforms jumped, hopped, skipped, turned around and ran like rabbits. She scowled looking at those filthy appearances. They were sweaty, and quite a mess, bless their heart. Ares just smiled to herself as she vowed to never, ever partake in activities that would make her sweat.. It would only ruin her dazzling display of grace and elegance.


" THIS IS PAIN, PAIN! " cussed Ares.

Ares screamed as she jumped the pole and landed on the soft mattress, barely moving as she took full breaths to settle her raging heart. If only she didn't agree to this whole damn situation.

Her senpai wanted to call her over for a little chat. Seeing as she had time, she shrugged her shoulders.

" Hey Ares, can you do me a favor? " her voice a little sore. She handed Ares a slip informing her that she was going to be sick for a while as she developed a sore throat. Ares frowned.

" You want me to fill in for your sick ass? " She scoffed.

Yeah right, like I'll agree to this nonsense.....

" Sorry but I'm too busy admiring my life to be worrying about yours. Just find someone else to do it.  Bye~ "

As Ares was about to go back, a hand gripped her uniform tight.

" I'll give you my limited edition mirror with gold lining and a new glass model. Perfect for you aye?

Ares found it hard to reject that offer, and so she agreed as long as her senpai would come back after she was healed.


Ares cursed herself for being tempted and now it came to pay her back full time. All for a stupid mirror.

Well technically, it was not just a mirror but an object that stared into Ares's soul. The only thing that could understand her, and her desires.

Ares smiled, as if looking forward to putting the new mirror in her bedroom. She ran, and jumped, leaped even rolled around.

That was it. She was finally done. She could finally take a long well-deserved rest for the rest of the day. Ares walked towards the locker too to change when she suddenly felt dizzy.

" Eh? "

" Why am I ? "

Ares felt her eyes go dizzy as it starts spinning. She felt her eyes cloud over as she could see stars running around her. She could probably faint at this point. She was about to tip over when a hand slowly steadied her, holding her arms as an anchor.

" Than- "

" Hurry up and move out of my way, ugly. " said a voice filled with indifference. Ares heard this and she snapped back to reality. Clenching her arms, she asked a question.


Side notes from the writer -

: Hohohohoho, it's about to go down folks. I'm sorry I and no idea what to do for this page. I guess , writing comes with experience, and I am still learning so please bear with me. Hope you had fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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