In the Beginning...

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Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia or any of the characters used in this fanfiction.

Chapter one: In the Beginning.


The sky was gray, and the mood was dark, the atmosphere of the situation was depressing. America and England both knew this was the end of their journey together, again, England was alone.

"Well England...this is a good bye." America kept his voice low, he could taste the independence, and everything he wanted, but he knew he would miss England.

"I'm afraid so. I would appreciate you not talk to me for a while, I would like to figure out what I'm going to do first." England's strong accent was lanced with a pain America hadn't captured. England held out his hand for America, and politely America took it. Arthur held the simple handshake a little longer then needed, knowing it would be a while before he saw Alfred again.

"I understand." The handshake left Iggy's cold touch and with it, his true happiness.

------------------------------------------------------ Time Skip--------------------------------------------------------

"Iggy-San!" England looked to America, it had been years since the war, and the two had been able to repair the damage done. America didn't know, but England was overwhelmed with joy. The countries had another meeting with the "hero" in charge. They had been given a "recess" until tomorrow. Iggy having so many thoughts, almost forgot America was staying with him.

"Gah! Oh...America...sorry."

"You almost left me, wouldn't want that!" America was in much the same state as England, but he couldn't decide how he felt.

"N-no...we wouldn't..." England couldn't help but blush with America so close to him. "Uh so...that was a good meeting...Italy didn't complain to much about being hungry."

"And with my brilliantness leading it, it just had to be perfect!" America praised himself, every second England being reminded why he loved him.

"Oh America..."


"Your ego is suffocating."

"Oh come on Iggy-San, you know it doesn't bug you." England had a minor heart attack.

"Wh-What do y-you mean by that?!"

"What are you so flustered for? You've dealt with me for years!"

"Oh...right..." Quickly England regained his normal composer and turned to America. "When we get home I'm making tea."

"Can we have burgers?" At Americas words England about threw up.

"I-In my house? Burgers? Are you insane!"

"No, you make tea when you visit me. Come on Iggy-San you might like 'em!"

"America. Tea is something I must have or-"

"Or you get all crabby I know, but I need burgers." America stretched out the word "need" to further prove his point. Sighing, England gave in, he wanted to make America happy.

"Fine...but I'm not eating one."

"Not even if I drink your gross tea?"

"Not even if you drink my tea."

"Okay fine. I'll take the offer." America held out his hand, but quickly pulled it back remembering all those years ago. "Eh...sorry Iggy-San..."

"D-Don't worry about it..." England tried hard to hide the fact it really hurt him. All those year without America took their tole. Of course England didn't know how badly it had affected America. All he knew is they are stronger together, and the war brought good in the sense they have a better friendship. America might've been a fool for the most part, but he wasn't that dense. Quickly America stopped in front of England causing the two to crash. "Uff...America what the-" Before England to say anymore, he was being held by America.

"Don't lie hurts me sometimes to..." Iggy stood there not sure what to do. Part of him wanted to take his embrace and give back, but the other forced him to push away.

"America, lets just go home." No one but America at the very moment, knew how easily feelings could be crushed.


The two counties walked back to England's house, and made dinner. America did that, he didn't trust England to make anything. They say down and ate in silence before anyone said anything.

"America...I'm sorry."


(A/N): Sorry for the cliff hanger, (/)//.\\(\) but I think this is a good start. Any way...please comment and vote, I'll be updating this probably for my other ones I'm changing the rule of the Tuesday thing. I can't wait that long to write XD well...bye for now! :D

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