I'm sorry, America.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, or any of the characters.

Quick A/N: I'm going to try and make this chapter longer, and...this is going to have a lot of feels.

Chapter 3: I'm sorry, America


America looked to England confused by his sudden apology.

"Arthur? What are you sorry for?"

"Earlier...." England could tell America wasn't one hundred percent sure what he was asking.

"What happened earlier?" America had put his half eaten burger down, and began to look contently at England.

"When you had hugged me, how rudely I had blown you off." England looked down ashamed he had even done anything. For loving America so much, he had this weird idea of pushing him away any chance he got like he was scared Alfred would leave him again.

"Hey Iggy, don't worry about it. It wasn't that big of a deal, I promise." America gave a cheesy smile, and made sure it looked real. He, in all truth, was slightly hurt by it. The thing America would always hate is he hurt England all those years ago, the thing he would always love is he gained independence from Arthur and was able to become the hero.

"Alfred, don't lie to me. Please, I can't let that happen."

"Fine...why did you blow me off?" America wanted to play it cool and act like the strong country he was, but like everyone he had flaws. He lost his calm, and collected personality, and soon, all he could do was question. "Why don't you realize it hurts me to? Can't you see I was alone? You were one of the only countries that understood me...and you still don't get that, why? Do you think I'm going to leave you again? Do you think-" England stood up, and kissed America as slightly as possible. "I-Iggy?" America had developed a dark red line that creeped over his nose and onto his cheeks.

"I'm scared you will leave. I know it hurts...but...it's in the past." England held onto America like if he let go, the world would end.

"I can't leave you...not again." America held onto Iggy just as tightly.


"England...?" The two let go of each other, green eyes stared deeply into blue ones, while the blue did the same to the green.

"Yes?" America quickly pulled Engalnd down into a deep kiss, and when they parted had a huge smile plastered onto his face. England blushed intensely, but had a small smile. His thick British accent made America heart flutter, although he would never admit it. "Al? What was that for?"

"I had to do it, this moment needed something." The Brit shook his head slightly while laughing.

"What would I do without you?" America shrugged, abad stood up, pulling England into a better hug, one that was returned. "America are you going back after the meeting?"

"I was planning on it...unless you want me to stay longer?"

"Would you stay? It gets so boring and depressing when I'm alone..." The American held onto the Brits cheeks and smiled.

"Then I'll stay a little longer. Go ahead and go upstairs if your tired." America could tell England needed sleep, he yawned a little, the tea he made always made him tired.

"What about you?"

"I'm going to finish my dinner and head up...is it okay if I sleep with you tonight?"

England nodded, and started up the winding stair case. He slipped on a sock, jolting him awake. "GHA! AMERICA!" Quickly America ran to the stairs, just about missing any chance to catch England.

"What did you do that for?!" America about had a heart attack, and he wasn't even the one who had fallen. England clung to America.

"Your stupid sock I told you to pick up made me fall!" America stood up holding England, he carried the other blonde up the steps, careful to avoid any socks. Softly he laid England down.

"Lets just go to bed, I'll pick up tomorrow."


"I promise." England smiled, glad he was already in his nightwear he huddled under the blankets. America quickly changed, and crawled into bed next to England. Slowly he wrapped his arm around England's waist, cuddling to him. The older country didn't dare complain, he love the warmth America have him, and he loved how he didn't feel alone. It was almost to much for him to handle.


The next day:

America and England woke up to the sound of an alarm clock. Slowly America sat up, and looked to England.

"Ready for the meeting?"

"I guess...I wish we didn't have these things." America nodded.

"I'm going to make coffee, do you want tea?"

"Yes please, just a normal tea...nothing special."

"Okay, I can do that." America got up and kissed England's forehead. "By the way...good morning." He grabbed his glasses and put them on, and he practically bounced out of the room.

"Good morning!" England called after him, and soon after he heard America swear about the random socks, he got up and dressed himself properly for the meeting. He walked downstairs to find America making coffee, and boiling water. He walked to him, and stood next to him. "You know America?"

"Hm?" Said country turned to look at the one calling for him,

"You look sexy when you first get up in the morning." America had his pajama pants on, but over night they had slanted leaving some of the elastic of his boxers showing, his blonde hair more of a mess then usual, his blue eyes showing he had slept well, only emphasized by his glasses. England could get use to this America.

"You know Iggy I can say the same for you." England was dressed, but he was in a nice outfit, his hair being a natural mess only made things better, and of course there was the fact anything England did America found it hot.

The two blushed slightly and laughed as they finished getting ready, the next step, was surviving the meeting.

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