Chater 1: birthday girl

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I woke up excited because it is my birthday and I'm turning 16 the only bad thing is that I have to join the family business but it can't be to bad right

I ran down stairs waking everyone up shouting it's my birthday you can give me my presents now. My parents and my 3 brothers Alexander Leo and Marcus. Alexander is the protective one and the oldest in the family Marcus is the youngest but also protective of me and Leo who doesn't really care what I do if I don't die.

Any way back to me.

My father came down stairs to tell me that I am not going to school anymore and joining the family business I couldn't Believe what he just said I love school you might think I'm weird but that was my only escape school. I hated it here my father was abusive my mother couldn't care and my brothers the only one who protected me, I have to drop out of school to do family business maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought maybe the business can be fun so I didn't argue and I said okay he  told  me to get ready but to wear sensible clothes that I could train in .

I walked upstairs thinking about what the family business could be so I've got ready and went downstairs my brothers already dressed and not excited to show me what the businesses is. so we got there and there  were big gates and a handprint codes .  so I walked inside I saw so many people training with knives and  other weapons.  I asked my father what this all  is and he said we're in the mafia I can't believe what you're saying I thought he was lying but then it turns out he wasn't.  I wondered where all my brothers got the bruises from but then it just clicked he wants me to be in the mafia. I don't think so I argued and argued but he didn't listen he told me I have to go practice so I did. And that was the end of that.

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