Chapter 4: re-opening

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Bloobear shouted "let's do it!" Keep your voice down! Chickeasha said. Now if we wanna re-open we have to clean this place up! "39 said" so David you clean the stage and bloobear you'll clean the entrance and chickeasha you'll clean the hallways and I'll clean the office "they all would go to where they were supposed to clean" 39 was in the office cleaning until he saw something under the desk "what's this" 39 said he would reach under the desk and grab what he felt and pulled it out he saw that it was..plushie 39 "39 had a shocked look" plushie?! Plushie 39 was look at 39 "39 your back I thought you were thrown out?" I'm back this place is now safe and we will re-open "he hugged the plushie" I thought you were gone! well I hid for awhile and then I saw something or someone what did you see? 39 said I saw new models of bloobear,you,David,chickeasha wait there's more?! '"39 had a mad look" yes but they're gone they were destroyed good "39 sighed in relief" he would take plushie in the dining area and sit him on the table "bloobear was walking to the tables to clean them and then he saw plushie 39" uh 39 what's this plushie of you doing there?. Oh that's just my plushie friend. Oh ok "bloobear walked off"

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