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Clay's fingers traced soft patterns on George's stomach, the blood on his hands leaving behind swirls on George's pale torso, humming sweet nothings to him as he did so. George's eyes were glued to the ceiling as the sirens got louder, approaching the house. George's finger touched the trigger of the gun in his hand. Subconsciously flexing his finger back and forth. Clay held his hand still, turning George around to face him. "This is it darling. This is our last show, let's make it a good one" George gazed up at him. Clay. His one and only counterpart. Things were falling apart and they both knew it. Ever since they had met their descent into madness was only inevitable. George grinned, pulling in Clay for a final kiss before they got up. Guns in hand and blood dripping from their fingers, they knew what they were going to do tonight.

"Let's paint the town red."

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