In Lion's Humble Abode (Dress and Bones)

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"Gareth Earl has his own set of morals. He is not exempted for that."


In the secluded part of Canlubang, Laguna, a game where a clueless lamb will be lured to a manipulated fate of lingering wild. Not knowing a past that has yet to be forgotten will re-open 18 years later.

[ Q and A]

Q: Main inspiration of the story?

A: I just finished watching Season 1 of Hannibal that my friend recommended when I grabbed my pen and notebook to write an idea. After that, I scribbled about mysteries revolving dolls and dresses, completely pausing from writing romance-centric stories.

Maybe I was so enamored with the classiness of Hannibal that lead me to write.  The noir, the acting, the disturbing music— everything! So, I guess the main answer is Hannibal, although I have plenty of references to draw from. 

Q: Was it originally 30 chapters?

A: Yes, I was actually scared to do more than 30 chapters for this series. Maybe because 12 stories is quite overwhelming. So, as compensation on my part, I've decided that the series will strictly follow the 30 chapter rule.

Q: Tell me about the chosen setting.

A: The setting was supposed to be fictional. If you are one of the earliest readers, you will notice the lack of mention of any hometown names. I only decided to use a real Philippine setting in Chapter 11. 

As for why I chose Canlubang, well I live in Laguna (not specifically in Canlubang), but since most of my college colleagues live in there, I always have the leisure to observe the neighborhood, and I think it perfectly fits the story. 

Q: How did you come up with the main character? 

A: Gareth Earl is what I can call, the "classic" serial killer that has consistent signature and design in killing.  While listing his pros and cons/strengths and weaknesses, I imagine a guy in his respectable suit, a silver with a sprayed convincing gold all over his body. 

Gareth Earl has this unresolved god complex. A guy who believes that he can be the master of stringless people. Reference to Sasori of the Red Sand from Naruto.

Q: How did you create Isabella Zarzuela

A: I've always wanted to name my character Isabelle. It's just so feminine and I think it's really pretty. 

Actually, the teaser slash first chapter was supposed to be a 19-year-old girl, living with her grandfather in a sweet neighborhood in the mountains. Her cat gifted her a dead rat, which symbolizes the on-the-way predator in her life. Although I was satisfied with her first 500-word narration, I scrapped the idea.

I wanted the heroine to be in her mid-20s who grew up in a typical Filipino neighborhood. An observant, but can be fooled sometimes. A soldier of life (pharmacist), and an embodiment of yang energy. 

Q: How did you establish the relationship between Gareth and Isabella?

A: It's a simple mutual respect with a hint of unexplainable sexual tension. Intense gaze with lingering words that are too forbidden to discuss. A long and deeply-rooted connection that started so wrong and eventually, ended right. 

Whatever the outcome of their relationship, it's the most fitting given the numerous turns their relationship has taken. Gareth and Isabella have always been meant to meet and be intertwined with each other, but not necessarily to be attached.

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