Twelve; Pete

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Whilst we weren't attending school, which I think was decided by the teachers after Kenny's overdose, I picked up a few extra hours at the coffee shop to take my mind off of things. I hadn't really spoken to Craig much, but that was okay, he was probably busy with something.

This guy walked over, he’s about our age, but I don't see him at school very often and I don't think he's in any of my classes. He had black died hair with red in there as well and he dressed in dark colours too. He had a couple of piercings on one ear. he smiled. Him and his friends keep sitting in here. They don't always order anything though, but when they do, they send him. His name is Pete. Rather than flipping his hair out the way, like I've noticed him do around anyone else, he brushed it back, tucking it behind his ear. “Coffee please?”

“R-right…” I grabbed a up. “How many?”

“Just the one…” Pete rested an elbow on the counter. I hummed, turning to make the coffee. I handed it to him and he placed down a ten dollar bill. “Keep the change, thanks Tweek” he walked back to his friends. I stared in disbelief.

“Tweek– hey” His voice shook me out of my thoughts; Craig.

“H-hey…” I rubbed my arm. “What’s up? H-havent really seen much of you?”

Craig. “Sorry, been kinda busy” He said, looking over at Clyde, who was staring at my cupcakes like he does whenever he's here. “Can we please get two latte’s, it's kinda cold, so we’re gonna sit in” I nodded as Craig got his wallet out. They sat down by a window and chatted while waiting.

I brought their drinks over to them and sighed. “Here”

“You okay?” Craig looked up.

I shrugged. “Yeah, I don't know…”

“Are you due a break?” Clyde asked. “You wanna sit with us for a bit?”

“uhm, I’m fine, actually. Craig, I'll talk to you later” Craig nodded and I returned to the counter. Pete approached, he had his cup, placing it on the counter. “Here for a refill?” I chuckled nervously.

“No actually… Well, maybe– but I need one to go, by the way…”, he slipped a piece of paper in front of me, digits written across. “That’s my number, text me” he winked. I felt my cheeks flush red. I made his coffee for him and he paid, rejoining his friends as they made their way out.

“Tweek, was he bothering you?” Craig asked, walking over.

I turned to face him. “What? No, he was being friendly, he gave me his number…” I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, putting Pete’s number in and sending him a quick text.

Craig narrowed his eyes and shrugged. “Well, okay, we're heading off now, what time do you finish?”

I shrugged. “I don't know, three-ish probably, mum and dad should be here at quarter to, so around that time”

Craig nodded. “I’ll see you later then”

Craig and Clyde drank something the rest of their latte’s and soon left. It was half one, so I didn't have too long left.

Butters came in, pulling Kenny in with her. My eyes lit up a little at their presence. Kenny leaned into Butters slightly, head rested on her shoulder. They picked out a table in the corner. Kenny sat down and Butters kissed his cheek, setting her bag down. Butters then came over with her purse. “Hey” She smiled.

“Hey, h-how’s it going?” I hummed. “Figured out the name issue yet?”

Butters shook her head. “Well, yes, but it sounds stupid. My name isn't really Butters anyway so… Well I just need to think about it. Can we get two coffee’s please?” I nodded grabbing two cups. “And cakes as well?”

“Sure” I placed two cupcakes on a tray. “So, since school starts back up tomorrow, I presume Kenny’s out of the hospital?”

Butters smiled. “Yep. I'm sort of nervous about going back to school, so I'm glad he'll be there” I placed the two cups on the tray and Butters paid. She took the tray and sat with Kenny. Meanwhile, I slumped against the counter.

“Tweek…?” my mother shook my shoulder gently. “Sweetie, you can go home now if you like, I'll take it from here…” I nodded, removing myself from the counter and tugging off my apron. “Sweetie are you tired, get enough sleep last night?” mum asked.

My eyes drifted, everting to the boney monster in the corner with spikey hair. I looked back at mum. “A-ah, I’m fine m-mum” I said, folding my apron over. “We just didn't have many customers…”

“Oh, well head on home sweetie, your father and I are here now– we'll be home pretty late I'm afraid. Oh and Craig is outside, waiting for you, I believe. I nodded and yawned, heading to the back room of the shop. I grabbed my jacket, slipping it on and then left.

I nearly walked straight past Craig– though I was listening to my mum, admittedly not properly. I stopped, blinked a couple of times, and smiled a huge smile. “Craig!? Y-you came back?”

“Mhm, wanted to walk with my best bud” he hummed. I smiled again as he put an arm around my shoulder. “Sorry we haven't spoken much over the past few days.”

“That’s okay…” I shrugged. “Friend’s have ups and downs, I think”

“So, you wanna come over and play some games?” Craig asked.

“Uh yeah, why not– oh but I might have a quick shower and grab a sandwich first”

Craig nodded. We walked pretty quickly and soon we were home. Craig headed into his house and I told him I'd seen him in a bit, then headed into mine.

I had a shower, made myself a sandwich and a coffee before going over to Craig’s. I plugged my phone in and sighed, taking the last sip of my coffee.

I knocked, Craig opened up the door straight away. He grabbed my shoulders, pulling me in straight away, shutting the door behind him. It was really quiet, nobody else seemed to be home. “Where is everyone…?” I asked, hesitantly sitting down on the couch.

“Out…” Was all Craig cared to say, sitting down beside me.

“Out where…?” I asked, picking up a controller to play whatever game Craig had decided on.

Craig shrugged. “They didn't care to tell me, woke up and they'd gone off somewhere without me, can't really blame them… They may have mentioned something about a museum though.”

We played Mario kart. I played pretty well, actually; beating Craig quite a few times. Neither of us cared too much about keeping an eye on the time, but it got pretty late. I was falling asleep before I realized I was even tired– still sleepily beating Craig’s ass at Mario kart, which I'm aware sounds insane for someone as twitchy as me. “How?” Craig finally said getting up, stopping the game. “It’s not fair” this alarmed me a little, not because it had been so long since he'd said anything, but because when he's playing with Clyde, Kenny, Stan, or anyone really, when he loses, he doesn't usually seemed to care.

I placed my controller down and stretched. “That was fun…” Craig just huffed ay my words. “I think I'm gonna go home though, it's late and I'm tired… besides, your parents and Tricia will probably be back soon and your dad makes me feel kinda awkward” I slipped my jacket on, showing myself to the door. “Night Craig”

“Aight, see ya tomorrow” Craig gave me a nod and I let myself out.

1290 words

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