Chapter 8: Birthday

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I had caught wind that it was her birthday.

One of the stupid first year slytherins that her brother had tasked for decorations let it slip.

And while killing her father would be a gift, something told me it would be in appropriate to do on her birthday.

So I placed a tracker on the mother fucker and I'll get him after this weekend.

I watched her running around passing things out to people from all houses.

You can't blame me for my curiosity, she was my property after all. It's my job to know her every movements.

"Sonorous," I whispered the spell towards her.

"HERE IS YOUR INVITATION TO MY BIRTHDAY PARTY!" She said, well more like screamed due to the spell, as she handed that Malfoy kid a piece of paper.

She grasped her mouth in shock, "IM SORRY," she tried to say quietly but it still came out as a scream and she clasped her hands over her mouth again.

I laughed at myself and ducked behind the corner. I heard the Malfoy kid annoying perform the counter curse, and she apologized some more.

Glancing back around the corner, I noticed her heading my way.

I wonder if there's one in that pile for me.

Not that I care.

I moved abruptly so that she would bump into me as she rounded the corner.



I laughed and ran off bumping into Riddle as I did so.

He turned to me quickly like he was ready to kill, but relaxed a little after seeing it was me.

"You wouldn't kill a girl on her birthday would you?" I laughed throwing my hands up in surrender.

"What does a birthday have to do with anything?" He asked matter of factly.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused and then it hit me. He's probably never celebrated a birthday or even been to a party before. "There's a party in the Slytherin Common room tonight to celebrate you should come!" I said smiling up at him.

I mean maybe he would be less insufferable if he actually had a good time every once in a while.

"Why would I willing spend my free time in a room with obnoxiously loud music and people I don't like trying to talk or dance with me?"

"Because it's fun. And there will be alcohol. And almost the whole school is afraid of you so most likely no one will talk to you."

"So it's basically free alcohol?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Fire whiskey, vodka, butterbeer, and mystery punch."

"Mystery punch?"

"Blaise's secret recipe. No one knows what is in it, but it gets you drunk really fast."



"Fine I'll go."

"Great see you then." I smiled and skipped off towards my brother at the end of the hall.

I walked up behind him, tapping him on the shoulder.

"M if you ask me one more time if I have it all under control I will pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower."

"Even my grand entrance?" I said excitedly. That moment when you enter the room and all eyes are on you, admiring and jealous of the attention you inspire. That is my favorite moment of a party.

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