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Luke got back on stage with a huge smile plastered on his face. I watched him on the screen.

"I'm sorry guys. Everything's good now." Luke said happily into the microphone.

"What happened?" Fans screamed. The boys looked at each other and Luke shrugged.

"So you guys know Tori right?" Luke asked. They cheered.

"Well we had a break you could call it and I was really depressed and now we're back together." Luke smiled. 

"Aww!" Calum cooed. Luke rolled his eyes.

"Lets finish this show with What I Like About You!" Michael yelled.

I ran up to the boys, having a massive group hug. We all pulled away. I took a deep breath.

"Bad idea. You're all sweaty." I said. Luke smiled.

"Do you guys wanna-" I was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing. I answered it without checking it.

"Hello?" I said through the phone.

"Is this Tori Sepulveda? Sister of Christian Sepulveda?" A lady asked.

"Yes mam." I said.

"Your brother has woken up from his coma." She said. My jaw dropped.

"But I thought he was d-dead." I stuttered.

"That's what we thought. He was dead for about 2 minutes until he came back. That's rare. Your brother is very lucky." She said. Tears spilled out of my eyes, happy tears.

"Thank you so much. I'll be there as soon as possible." I said hanging up.

"What's wrong? Luke asked.

"Nothing's wrong. My brother isn't gone. He died for about 2 minutes and woke back up, he was in a coma, he's awake now." I smiled through my tears. Luke pulled me into a hug.

"Doesn't he live in London?" Calum asked. I nodded.

"Well the tour is officially over now so, lets go to London! Then we can head over to Australia!" Ashton shouted excitedly.

"That's awesome!" I said.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get in the car!" Liz shouted.

We all ran to Liz's car and squeezed in. I sat in the front with Liz. Michael sat on Luke's lap. Calum was sitting near the window and Ashton was in the middle with a huge grin on his face. He was like that kid who was happy no matter what. Like he'd sit in the middle and he'd get pushed and he would still be smiling. I swear to god if anyone ever wipes that smile off of Ashton's face I will personally kill them with my squad. Ashton should always be happy.

Dear Luke // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now