𝟢𝟤 🜸 𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗈𝗉𝖾

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I LOOKED AT THE SAME FOUR WALLS and steel door that I've been seeing for the past year and a half. This small room always made me claustrophobic—I was rarely let out of this room. I was seen as a lost cause, my case for being innocent wasn't overlooked. I was declared guilty for using a weapon on a guardsman.

I have no idea what they did to Sonia. I haven't seen her since. Every time I asked about her I was ignored. It was very hurtful to be seen as the monster and the one who was said to be guilty when my dad was the one who gave Sonia and I years of trauma.

I was never heard out about my problems, every time I tried to explain the council wouldn't listen. It was annoying knowing that no matter what I said I was the one holding the gun. And that's all they see—they see him as the victim.

I stared up at the ceiling—contemplating over a lot of things. The main thought in my mind on a daily was when my 18th birthday would come. If Sonia was considered guilty as well, then we'd both be floated.

She was also a big thought in my mind. I was never this far away from her. We did a lot of things together. It still breaks me daily when the days grow and I still haven't seen her.

My eyes look over to the small bookshelf in here; I wasn't aloud to have many things to do so I'd pick up reading a lot. Reading about the world before we were sent up into space. I've gained a centered understanding about a lot of stuff.

I sit up from my bed, letting my head fall into my hands. I let out a frustrating sigh, after a while it gets depressing in here.

The door opened which was rare—I stood up immediately. I looked between four guards that stepped into my room. Do they really think they need four guards to deal with me?

"What's going on?" I take a step back in fear. All these men were staring at me and pulling out their electric batons.

"Put your hands up and face the wall." One ordered. The way they were treating me—they had to have known my dad.

"Why?" My voice sounded more grounded, like I wasn't scared. But my face said otherwise.

The two guards in the front gave each other a look before one started to walk over to me. "No, wait!" I put my hands up and backed up but it was too late he hit me in my stomach with the baton and it electrocuted me.

Eventually I was passed out. In the time I spent here I was never cornered like that. My anxiety was through the roof. All I wanted was an explanation or something. I knew it wasn't time for me to get floated because I wasn't turning eighteen for another three months.

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