Chapter I "The Skull"

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Hello, my name is Artemis Greeda, i am a 20 year old male, i am the chief of the police of the town Kumo Merripen.

Kumo Merripen is an amazing town, the residents are nice and so is the mayor, it's almost like paradise here, although, every light has darkness underneath it, you see, throughout the years, people have been going missing, at least 12 people get missing every year, but of course, we have no reason regarding the disappearances.

This year i began asking the residents where they think the missing people could've went, and all answers lead to Carmine Mona forest.

So of course as any other dumb person in a horror movie would do, i went there with no backup, which was an obvious mistake.

Anyways, i for some reason decided it would be a great idea to go there at 5.00 PM, i was a busy man either way though so it was the only time i could go there.

So i drove there, i arrived at 5.15, it was pretty dark due to the leaves covering the sunlight, it was also going to be 6 soon so it was dark either way, but as any person in a horror movie would, i brought a flashlight, but it was one of those big ones.

People always claimed to hear screams coming from the forest, almost as if the ones screaming were being tortured, people also claimed to hear loud mumbling from the forest, as if people were speaking some latin language.

As i walked through the forest it kept getting darker and darker, night was approaching, and it was approaching fast, almost as if time was faster in the forest, but that would be impossible, i shook off that thought and kept walking, i soon found a blood trail leading to a rock, the rock was huge and had weird writing on it, the writing was written in a weird black liquid.

I decided to go back to my car, i was not having any of that fucking cryptic shit, but before i could get to my car, i found a weird skull on the ground, it was cracked and had black liquid pouring out of it, it was the same black liquid that was used for the writing.

I grabbed the skull and drove back to town, it was 6.45 PM when i arrived, i drove to a nearby diner because i was starving, after i had some nice dinner i drove home and placed the skull in my room, the black liquid was still pouring out, i was confused.

"What is this?" I asked myself as i touched the liquid, in fact, it didn't feel like liquid, it felt solid, but it acted like a liquid, i was sure of it, another thing is that the skull looked fresh, it looked like it had just been removed from it's skin, and it was a human skull, meaning somebody died there, but if they did die, why would black liquid be pouring? I had many questions, questions that could probably not be answered right now.

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