Chapter II "Reflections"

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I was still in my room and the black liquid was still pouring, "Is there like an infinite source of black liquid in this skull or am I tripping?" I asked myself, surely I wouldn't be tripping because I've never personally tried or even had any drugs in my life, if you don't count Coffee as a drug that is.

It was starting to become a tad late as it was 7.01 PM, but I just had Coffee while I was at the diner so I wasn't as tired, I decided to keep the skull under my bed because I could get fired from even having a skull, somebody would think that I've murdered someone, why didn't I burry the skull? Well, because I might need it later. Someone here might know what this black liquid is or even know why it's pouring the liquid.

I decided to block the holes and cracks in the skull because I wouldn't want it pouring black sludge all over the floor, that would be both disgusting and questionable, innit?

Anyways, I went to bed after blocking the holes and stuff. The next morning, I woke up feeling a bit weird so I just decided to go downstairs & fetch Myself a Cup of Coffee, I started to feel a bit better after having some nice Coffe so I decided to take a nice hot shower & go outside after I got dressed to continue my nice morning with a Cup of Coffee, I had this Rocking Chair outside my House so I just decided to sit there & drink my Coffee, surprisingly, The Town was quiet, usually I'd hear Children, Cars, etc, but Today was different, I heard absolutely nothing, other than the Sound of Wind.

I soon saw what looked to be like a Plague Doctor holding a Wooden Staff, it was standing at the middle of the road, staring directly at Me, it then got hit by a Car & let out a terrifying screech, after that, I woke up, I was on my Bed but something felt off, I got up my Bed & The Floor was flooded with that Black Liquid, I tried to walk towards the Door but it was hard to even raise my Foot, I then saw a Reflection of Myself that was slowly turning into what seemed to be like a Skull kind of thing, after that The Skull jumped out of the Black Liquid & bit my Face off, I then woke up in an odd space filled with Mirrors, I got up from The Floor & looked at the Mirrors, They were showing that Plague Doctor Figure that appeared in my First Dream, the Figure was walking towards my Direction & it felt as if it was getting closer & closer but before it could get close to Me I woke up & Everything was back to Normal, The Skull disappeared though, so that's odd, One would Wonder where it went.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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