chapter 7 --timeskip--

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So imma just skip to the part where Naoto saves Takemichi after the timeskip yeah? K bye biu~
Takemichis's pov
"LET'S JUST GIVE IT UP, NAOTO! I CANT CHANGE A GODDAMN THING!" I screamed, crying. Naoto suddenly reached to me and hugged me. "You saved my life! You're not totally helpless! Help change our world for the better, Takemichi-kun!" Hearing those words from Naoto, I started crying. After I had calmed down, I remembered something I wanted to ask Naoto. "Oh, right, Naoto-kun. Do you know someone called y/n? " Naoto frowned. "Hm... That name rings a bell, but I will check. He turned to his laptop and searched up the name. "Do you know her last name?" He asked me. I shook my head. "No, but I think she is close to the Haitani brothers." Hearing that, Naoto froze. "Wh..what? Is something wrong?" I asked him. Naoto quickly typed on his keyboard 'Y/n L/n' and y/n's picture flashed up on the screen. I pointed at it. "That's her!" Naoto read from a newspaper entry, "Y/n L/n, believed to have killed over 30 people in just 4 days. Police are trying to pin her down with hard evidence, but it is hard to do so as... she is the lover of... Ran Haitani, joint owner with his brother, Rindou Haitani, of Roppongi." I nodded nervously. "Yes, I think that is her." Suddenly, something clicked in my mind. I typed in his keyboard 'Top news on January 2005' and clicked on the first link. Naoto leaned over my shoulder. "What's that- oh." I clicked on the video. "Y/n L/n, believed to be a victim of child abuse. Neighbours claimed to have heard screams of pain just one day before they decided to call the police. But when the police opened the door, there was no one in sight. Akio l/n, Y/n's father, has fled and is now a wanted fugitive, while where y/n is is unknown. Some say when Akio fled, he took y/n with her, while others say she was murdered and her body was hidden. Mys-" I paused the video. "...And how does that help with our investigation?" Naoto asked me genuinely. I shrugged "I really dont know."
(I have no idea why I wrote that either ~author)
Back to 2005
Y/n's pov
I sighed and stuffed my headphones in my ears. Another battle was coming up, one with me, Ran and Rin fighting in it so I had to train as hard as I could. I punched the target as I could, imagining that it was my father. Uppercut, sidekick, etc. My final punch sent the target flying. The other people in the gym stared at me in utter shock. Shit, I overdid it. I quickly took my things and walked out of the gym. As I was walking down the street, someone accidentally bumped into me. "Oi, watch it." I said irritatedly. "Oh sorry- y/n?!" I turned to look at the person who bumped into me. It was the bleach-blond hair guy from the fight. "How do you know my name?" I asked him calmly. "Um..I heard Ran Haitani call you that." He replied nervously. "Ah." I replied and walked away. "W..wait!" He called out to me. I turned to him, annoyed. "What do you want?" I asked him. " I'm Takemichi Hanagaki." "Okay and?" I questioned. "W..well...." "If you have something to say to me, stop fucking stuttering. I dont have so much time on my hands." I interrupted. Takemichi immediately bowed and apologized. I rubbed my temples and walked away. Weirdo... I thought.
Battle of Toman vs Tenjiku
"Now then!" Izana-san walked up to me, Ran, Rin, Mochi and Kaku. "Era of Brutality. It's your time to shine!" Izana-san grinned at us. Ran stepped up to a guy with a scar across his lips. "How's your captain doing?" He teased him. I was fighting some cocky jerks from Toman nearby, and I sniggered at his comment. "Huh?!" The guy with the scar yelled, clearly insulted. "Oi! Dont get cocky, you bitch! Eyes here! And that pretty mouth of yours too!" A voice shouted. A big dude from Toman towered over me. "Tch." I scoffed. "Eh? What was that for? I am Itaichi Kamo-" Wham. My foot slammed into his face and left a mark. "All talk not action. I don't like people like you." I said coldly, and the people around me looked scared. I looked around. "Come on! Or are you too scared?" I screamed at them. Toman guys hesitated, before yelling and charging at me. I dodged an incoming fist and kicked a guy and blocked a foot. I slammed my fist at the side of another guy's face. Suddenly, I heard a loud thud. I turned and saw Rin fall to the ground. "Rin!" I screamed. The next second, Ran fell down as well. I saw a blue blur before I was whacked at the side of my face. I backtracked abit before shaking my head to clear my brain. "Your strong." A boy with light blue afro and tears falling down his eyes told me. Why is he crying? I wondered. Seeing his foot coming, I immediately put my hands at the side of my face, blocking the incoming kick. Ouch. "Oi oi oi! I bet I can beat AnGrY on my own!" Mochi taunted, taking Angry's attention off me. He looped an arm around Angry's shoulder, adding,"Right, ya tiny prick?" The next second, Mochi was on the ground, bleeding. "Mochi!" I was furious. I turned to Angry. "You son of a bitch you hurt my friends!" He stared back. "They hurt my friends." I screamed angrily and charged at him. We both moved quickly, blocking, kicking and punching. No one else could keep up with us. As I was about to punch Angry's face, Kaku-chin stepped in, saying, "Y/n. That's enough." "Enough?! He hurt Ran And Rin and Mochi!" Suddenly, Kaku-chin pushed me aside. "Gah!" I was surprised. "Izana! I'll take the punishment later. In the mean time... Kaku-chin turned to Takemichi, two more bleach-blond hair guys, and Angry, and defeated all of them except Takemichi. I could hardly believe my eyes. Izana-san smirked. "Kakucho is very strong, stronger than the 5 heavenly kings and queen. Are you sure you can beat him?"
End of chapter. Hope you enjoyed it! 🍙🍙

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