Chapter 2

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Happy's POV
Seeing Jessica on the couch unconscious, is scary I'm not gonna lying but I'm gonna kill this Landon guy for putting his hands on my old lady, and my kids. He's specially gonna die for tryna rape my daughter, he's death will be slowly and painful "Herman will be here sometime tomorrow" Mike says "okay. How are you guys doing?" Gemma ask her grandkids "good but hungry" Mike and Beth says at the same time "I'll make something for you kids" Gemma says walking into the kitchen "you okay Sam? your not talking" Bobby ask, I look over at my oldest seeing him staring at the wall with his legs moving up and down "I'm good Bobby" Sam says "you sure? your legs are going up and down, like your mother does when she's thinking, worried, sacred about something" Jackson says, Sam looks at his uncle

"I'm fine! quit asking fuck!" Sam says standing up and walking outside "is he like this all the time?" Jackson asks "only when his worried and upset" Mike says "imma go talk to him" Jackson says "don't." Mike says "why?" I ask "he will only to mom, Beth and I when he's like this" Mike says "you go out then" Clay says "no I'll just go. Mike stay in here" Beth says walking outside after her big brother, I look at everyone "stay close to Jessie, imma go outside to watch them" I say walking outside, as I walk outside I see Beth looking at Sam, I stay back but I get close to hear what they say

"Sam stay calm okay?" Beth says "I can't Liz" Sam says "how come?" Beth ask "because I wasn't there to keep her safe Liz! I knew she went to see him, and I wasn't there to stop him from hurting mom!" Sam says "Samuel look at me! mom is okay, Tara even said! and you knew she was going to see him but you didn't stop her and how did you know that?" Beth ask "I heard her on the phone with him last night, she told him to leave her and us alone, she was done with him. he said to meet up with him, today.. when mom hung up on the phone, she saw me.. I told her not to, because I knew it was a bad idea but she said it would be okay.. I told her to bring her gun" Sam says breaking down, my heart breaks hearing my son talk and seeing my son breaking down "Bubs, it's not your fault okay? Dad, uncle Jax, grandpa Clay and the club will hurt him. and even you will hurt him. you will make his death painful" Beth says, Beth hugs Sam, Sam hugs him back..

I keep watching my kids, I walk over to them and hugs him "I love you guys, and we will hurt Landon okay? Sam this isn't your fault, your mom don't listen to nobody. and you said she took her gun right?" I ask "yeah mom said she was taking it with" Sam says, I look at them and run over to her car, I open her car door and grab her purse, I open it seeing it's still in there "she didn't use it" I say "she didn't?" Sam asked "no!" Happy says "let's get inside" Beth says, I follow my two kids inside "you okay now?" Jackson says "yeah, thanks to my sister" Sam says hugging Beth "that's what I'm here for" Beth says hugging Sam back "here's food for you three! Eat up" Gemma says handing my three kids plates "thank you grandma" they all say

Narrator's POV
everyone is in the main room waiting for Jessica to wake up, "it's been 2 hours" Tig says "she'll wake up, she's a Teller" Jackson says, Happy looks at his kids, they are sleeping next to Jessica "should we move them into a dorm?" Chibs ask "We should but they would be mad if they aren't here when their mom wakes up" Happy says "yeah true" Clay says "they grew up to be great kids, Sam is very protective over them" Bobby says "he is, he got a scar from saving his sister, and his has tattoos from killing people for them" Happy says "yeah, you gonna talk to my daughter and fix things?" Gemma ask

"Yeah ma'am, Jessica is the love of my life. And I messed up badly" Happy says "you sure did" Gemma says. "Hell Gemma. I never once touched a croweater after she left, I messed up that day and lost everything, and lost my loml, and kids" Happy says "We know, but she's back, and you can talk to when she wakes up" Jackson says, Nobody noticed Jessica woke up and heard Gemma and Happy's conversation, Jessica stays laying down acting like she's asleep "mommy!" Beth says sitting up smiling, everyone looks at Jessica seeing she's awake, the two boys jump up hearing Beth "mom your awake!" Mike says "yeah babies I'm awake, I'm fine" Jessica says, the three kids hug her, she hugs them back "don't scare us again please" Sam says "I won't baby" Jessica says "you sacred us all sis" Jackson says

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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