Moving to LA

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It's been two years. I moved back to Canada with Lucas two years ago. Since then, I haven't really talked to Nash, but I have kept in touch with Elizabeth. Bethany is still my best friend. We text on a daily base and now moving we're in together. Lucas and I broke up. I found him cheating on some other girl and when I broke up with him he pointed a gun at my face, and now he is in jail. Oh! I also started a youtube channel. It got very popular within 3 months and I became an actor after that. I've been working on some music but it's not much.

The plane landed and I got my luggage. I got out of the airport and the paparazzi was there. Thank god my body guard was there. He made me a clear way to my car and made sure I was in safely. The driver drove off towards my new apartment. I pulled out my phone and played some music.

We finally arrived. The place didn't look that nice. We walked in and went to the 50th floor. It was a luxurious penthouse. The view was stunning. I put down my luggage and closed the door. I walked in deeper into the room, and took everything in. It was amazing.

"Kaitlin!" I turned around and Beth was standing in the stairs. I ran into her arms and picked her up. I spun her around and hugged her tight.

"Omg Beth!" I cheered, putting her down.

"I can't believe we're here, Kate." She exclaimed. Kate is my nickname.

"Me neither."

"Kate come with me." She said pulling me into another room. I saw a stove and knew we were going to the kitchen.

"Cameron!" I screamed. I ran to him and jumped into his arms. He hugged me tight and laughed at my reaction.

"How are you?" He asked putting me down.

"I'm good. Tired from my long flight but I'm good." I said sitting down on the isle.

"So you're a celebrity now!" I say with mixed emotions.

"Yep! Well, celebrity, i wouldn't go that far. "

"Of course you are"

"And how about you miss I-already-starred-in-three-movies, anything new?"

"Nice nickname you got there"

"Thank you."

"Actually I have. I've been working on some music and I have photoshoots and stuff. It's crazy."

"Wow. Busy schedule."

"Yes. Comes with the fame I guess."

The front door opened and someone walked in. i froze and looked at Beth. She was looking at Cameron with a weird face. The steps were coming closer.

"Hey guys! How's it g-" i knew that voice anywhere.



"H- how are you?"

"Good. And you?"

"Great." The atmosphere was cold. Nash stared at me as I looked into his eyes. Bethany and Cam were looking between us, not knowing where to look.

"Um, Cameron can you help me with something in my room?" She said giving him a look. She wanted to give Nash and I some privacy and Cameron understood that and left us alone.

"So" he said breaking the uncomfortable silence. His voice had change. He was taller and had a little blond hair. His eyes were the same I once fell in love with.

"It's been a while" he sighs. I nod my head still looking deeply into his eyes.

"2 years" i finally say. He nods and walks to the fridge and opens it searching for something.

"How's Lucas?" He asks taking a water bottle.

"I wouldn't know" i say remembering the horrible memories.

"Why not? Broke up?"

"Yeah. I found him cheating on me with another girl" i say fighting the tears.

"I'm sorry" he says walking towards me. He hugs me and embraces me in his grip. I put my head in the crook of his neck and close my eyes. I relax, as I feel an unfamiliar feeling. For once in a long time, I feel safe. I pull away and take his water.

"Hey! That's mine" he wines.

"Not anymore" i say playfully. He smirks and grabs my phone that was on the counter.

"Nash. Give me my phone back." I wine as well.

"If you want it you'll have to come and get it" he says placing in his pants. I grimace and he laughs.

"Whatever" I say placing the bottle down on the isle. He takes it and gulps it down.

"My phone?"

"Like I said before, if you want it, you'll have to come and get it." He smirks.

"Fine. Keep it." I retort.


"Fine" i try to say seriously but fail as I giggle slightly.

We stayed in silence for a while, until he spoke up.

"So are you moving in here?" He asks.

"Well yes. It's my apartment." I say in an obvious tone.

"What? I've been living here for months" he says in confusion.

"You what!? Bethany!" I say storming out the kitchen. I walk back to the front hall and walk up the long stairs that were on the right. I can hear faint voices and I follow them. I come to a room and find Bethany and Cameron sucking each others faces.

"Oh god! My eyes!" I say covering them with my hand, exaggerating my reaction.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry"

"It's fine. I just hope I don't go blind. Oh wait. No. I'm fine. I can still see your ugly face." I joke.

"What do you want?" She asks in an annoyed voice, clearly wanting to continue where they had left off from.

"Is Nash living here?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Surprise?" She says in a more questioning voice and I roll my eyes at that.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask.

"If I did would you have moved in?" I stayed silent. I knew what the answer was, I just didn't want to admit it. "Exactly"

I roll my eyes and leave. "Use protection" I scream walking away as I hear her giggling.

"Sorry" i say to Nash as I sit down on the opposite couch.

"Don't be. It's not your fault we didn't know you were moving in the same apartment as me."

"I guess"

He turns on the TV and FRIENDS is playing. I switch seat and move to the same couch as him to get a better view of the screen. I lay down and place my feet across him. Sprawled on the couch, I find myself slowly falling asleep.

Moving with the Grier (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now