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Me and the Madrigals have an extremely close bond. Ever since I was 2 years old every summer me and my dad went on a 2 month holiday to... You've guessed it, Encanto! I got to know them due to my fathers long friendship with Augustine, they were colleagues for some time but my father doesn't work with him anymore, hen I was 9 my father left his job because of some issues and found a new one but not as financially good as the previous one.

Talking about my father him and my mom are divorced, they parted when I was just 8 years old, she used to go to Encanto with us, but not anymore.. He said that that would probably be the last trip to Encanto for a while because we couldn't afford it. The trip is quite money consuming since we live overseas in Czech republic. Maybe if he didn't spend so much money on his alcohol addiction we would be in a better situation. I wasn't in Encanto for 6 years now...

Enough of that, I just rememberd I haven't introduced myself! I'm Karolina but some friends call me Kara. I'm around the average height , more specifically 5'3, I have ginger wavy hair with whispy curtain bangs and shorter parts framing my oval shaped face, I have a pale neutral skin tone and big starling gray eyes. I have quite soft, upwards turned nose with a sharp tip and I guess I could say full lips, my eyebrows are pretty thin and round. My body is nothing unusual, but for an 15 year old white girl curvy with long legs...

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