Prologue: The Program

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|WARNING! Running this program may result in Bugs, Glitches, Spam, and Permeant Termination|
|Run anyway?|

|*YES|     |NO|

|Running program in 3.....2.......1|


Urrghhh, my head..
What happened?

I lost. I lost to Gumball and his 'amazing' world.

I must be in the void again.

Yet this place seems to be some kind of movie theater?

I don't remember a Movie Theater being in the void. Was it just that terrible of a movie theater?
I can't believe my plan failed, AGAIN!
I was just trying to help, and how did they repay me? By attacking me, and leaving me at the mercy of the VOID. They don't even know what they have done! Because of their stupidity, now they are all going to be-

"Oh thank god, for a moment I thought I was the only person here. Hello?"


There is someone else here? But I thought-

"Um, if you don't mind, can you come out of hiding? I promise I won't hurt you."

Yeesh, he keeps interrupting my monologue.
Okay, what do I do?

should I show myself? What if I freak him out? I mean, Elmore is a strange place, but I'm probably one of the strangest.

"Hello? Are you still there? Please, I really don't want to be alone.."

Here goes...well. Probably nothing.

I pick myself off the floor and peak over one of the seats. From the height, I think I'm in the top row.

I hear the voice nearby.
They are near the bottom row. After a bit of searching around, I spot them.

They look to be a young kid, Human, with a flower in their hair. "I- oh gosh." They have spotted me as-well. I quickly walked down to him, but he backed away from me.

"What are..? Are you even sentient??"

The audacity!

"Hey! I am totally sentient, thank you very much!"

What a rude question, and why does he keep backing away from me?? Who does he think I am, a wild animal?!?
Actually, this is probably the right response.
I am a stranger to him, as is he to me.

"Ack! sorry! I wasn't trying to be rude- it's just..I've.." He stumbles on his words.

"I've never seen anything like you before, ...are you another something..?"

What the heck is a 'something'?

"Uhhh, No I'm-..or at least I used to be a cyclops. My names Rob."

As strange and jumpy as this kid is, I think I should try and befriend him. Maybe he can be useful later.

"Uh, my names.. Basil."

'Basil' was definitely uncomfortable, good to know the feeling is mutual.

"So..uhhh how old are you?" I attempted some small talk. Which was stupid since that question was a stupid question to start with.

"I'm um, Sixteen."


"Your sixteen? Your even older than me!"

How was this guy sixteen? He looks like a 5th grader.

"I'm only thirteen myself!"

Basil chuckled at my reaction.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. Apparently I have a baby face."

Even with this awkward interaction, at least I got him to relax a bit. Which is good if we want to find a way out of here.

"I was thinking, we should get out of this place. Nothing much to do here."

Basil thankfully nodded. Agreeing with me.

"That's true, do you know where we are?"

I tapped my foot.

"A movie theater? I'm about as clueless as you are." It wasn't a totally lie. I really didn't know where we were, but my theory about this being the void was still biting at me.

Basil sighed, before turning his head to something gasping.

"An exit!" He exclaimed.

"Good eye." I responded.

We both walked over to it, as it was the only door here. Odd for such a big theater.

When we reached it, I attempted to open the door. To my surprise it opened easily.

"Huh. I was half expecting it to be locked or something."

I pushed it open further and noticed that this must be the Theater hallway.

The hallway was lined with movie posters, most I have never heard of. Although one was very familiar.

'The Amazing World of Gumball, The Movie; under it was 'COMING SOON' in bold text. No date was given.

"Hm." I wasn't aware they were making a movie. Maybe that can save-

"Hey, that one poster has a picture of you on it."

Basil once again interrupted my narrative to point out the poster.
As he said, I was on it.

I got embarrassed, I never really was one for the spotlight. "Hehe, Yeah. That'"

I don't think I should tell Basil that our reality is fictional. He seems blissfully unaware of it.
I miss being unaware of it too.

We were beginning to run out of hallway. However In front of us was a double door.

I looked over to Basil, who was fiddling with the flower in his hair. He was looked uncomfortable again.

I gave him a reassuring smile, trying to convince him and myself that everything would be okay.

There was a cold breeze coming through the door, meaning this probably lead outside.

so I'm not in the void.

Is this a good sign? I'm not sure. All I know is that once I open this door, I may get the answers I'm looking for.

Slowly, Basil and I pushed open the double doors, and looked up in shock at what awaited us.

"What the-"


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