Poem 25 [Left]

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Hi ya Wattpaders!(:

I'm dedicating this chapter to EmilyTan! Yay!(;



I don't mind where you go, where you set,

Because I have an open heart,

To set you free if you wanna be.

No matter how high you fly,

How far you're away from me,

It doesn't matter one but to you,

Because I was broken far beyond repair.

Cause trouble can bring me nowhere,

To steal what's mine back before.

So now if it doesn't bring back memories,

It shall shatter like no tomorrow.

Whenever you call me far,

In hope will never end,

Fly away through those clouds,

Leaving me empty and alone.

Those traitorous tears

Those screechy cries,

Go unheard when dark.

Falls upon us.

When it never spoke, it shall fall,

When it's said, just let it be,

For once, or for worth...


A/N: What's up people?(:

Haha, I know I haven't been posting my thee two stories, but I need the time, for poems, it's easier to write!(:

So vote please?(:

Meaning of Poem:

Even if the person leave your heart,

Even if the person don't love you anymore,

Even if the person now walks away from you, but still needs you as someone else and not someone special,

you still want to be there and help that person because it is still hard to let go what is worth fighting for.


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