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Hollywood's Best Kept Secret
Hollywood has been known to be fake, but do you know how deep the cut goes? In 2010, five boys auditioned for the X-Factor, those boys were Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, and Harry Styles. They became the band One Direction; they ruled the world for years. But is there something more than bromance between two of the boys? "If you combine the names "Harry" and "Louis," you get "Larry." If you combine the names "Styles" and "Tomlinson," you get "Stylinson" (Romano). The two boys always seemed so close, best friends or more. "Styles and Tomlinson have, or at least used to have a very obvious friendship. One Direction's members have always enjoyed an easy physical intimacy" (Romano). One Direction, one of the biggest boy bands ever has untrue stories written about them all the time; think about the matching tattoos, the unloving girlfriends, the suspicious tweets, all make up the theory that is Larry Stylinson.
Matching tattoos is not something you want to accidentally have with the person you hate most. So why do Louis and Harry have so many tattoos that go hand and hand with each other? "When Harry got a rose tattoo...and then Louis got a dagger tattoo: Not only are they in the same size, color, and placement on each other's bodies, but a dagger through a rose is a common tattoo that "represents the strength needed to endure" (Taroy). There are one too many "just coincidences" for the tattoos to mean nothing, Louis has a rope around his wrist and Harry has an anchor on his wrist. Louis has a compass pointing towards home while Harry has a ship.
"The 1D boys have remained clients with Modest Management since their X Factor days and there have been YEARS of rumors of restrictions (Zayn couldn't even grow a beard while he was in the band), rumors of relationship cover-ups - Harry and Louis being one of 'em - and behind-the-scenes angst"(Mellin). There are many different views on the "girlfriends" the boys have had over the years, most people hate on them but they aren't bad people, just people who are doing their job as beards. Louis and Eleanor Calder have been on and off for a while but they never act happy, and let's not forget the disappearing tattoos. Louis has an E tattooed on the inside of his thumb to match Eleanor's cursive L on her middle finger, however, there have been multiple times where the tattoos are nowhere to be found. Eleanor loves to play hide and seek with her hand in her Instagram posts, her hand is always hidden because there is no tattoo! Louis has done a couple of photoshoots where you should be able to see the little E but it's not there, because he forgot to sharpie it on before leaving the house. When the paparazzi aren't around these two don't look at each other, but when the cameras are out, they are cuddly. Harry has had a few girls in his life, being in the public eye means any time he is seen with a woman the internet goes crazy. There are many boat photos of Harry and famous women, but the paparazzi don't just get on a boat and follow celebrities. Also, they have to permit the photos to be taken and released.
The number "28" is a very important thing to Louis, he says it's because it was his football number for a charity game. However, people think the 28th of September is the day Louis and Harry got married. "Styles and Tomlinson are married and have been since September 28, 2013. Ed Sheeran, and other friends and relatives of the boys to support their claims. Harry himself tweeted, "We don't need no piece of paper from the city hall," which to some could only mean one thing: wedding bells" (Davis). Ed Sheeran tweeted "My best friend is getting married today. Mega awesome wicked cool." Harry's mother also made a tweet saying "Good decision Louis". Louis also has "28" tattooed on the ring and middle finger of his left hand, kind of like a wedding ring.
Their management has been known to control everything about the boys' lives so what's to stop them from hiding this? Harry and Louis were so close until "Larry" started to get popular and then it just stopped. "But in 2015, many Directioners noticed Harry and Louis were separated in most interviews and stopped interacting as much on stage. This only made the Larry fan theories that the boys are being forced to stay closeted by their management team even more fervent" (Mellin). If nothing was going on between them why are they so separated? Shipping between the band members has been a thing forever, management never separated the other boys because there was nothing to hide.
Even if in the end Louis and Harry were never actually married, something went on between them. If nothing was going on why did they have to separate so much? If you go on One Direction's Instagram account you will find pictures of all the boys together but Louis and Harry. When the other boys get asked about the ships it's a simple no but with "Larry" they dance around it and never give a true answer. When they deny Larry it's almost like they want it to seem like they're lying. Larry Stylinson isn't just the unloving girlfriends, the matching tattoos, or the suspicious tweets, it's the fact that these two love each other.

Works Cited
A very big thank you to my friend Val for help with the hook and thesis!! Her Instagram is 👇
Her wattpad is @tacosupremacy

Works CitedA very big thank you to my friend Val for help with the hook and thesis!! Her Instagram is 👇Her wattpad is @tacosupremacy

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Mellin, Hannah. "What Happened to Larry Stylinson? the One Direction Bromance That Collapsed Under Pressure." Heat, Heat, 29 Sept. 2021,
Person. "12 Times Larry Stylinson Was so Real." Seventeen, Seventeen, 18 July 2017,
Romano, Aja. "Larry Stylinson, the One Direction Conspiracy Theory That Rules the Internet,  Explained." Vox, Vox, 18 Apr. 2016,
Schreiber, Abby. "A Brief History of 'Larry Stylinson.'" PAPER, PAPER, 15 June 2020,

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