Why now?

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Jake's POV:

As soon as I walked on the Swan's property, I seen Bella walking out of her house quite happily over to me. That made me realize that, she, my best friend, is what's now and forever holding down on this earth. Did I just imprint on Isabella Swan? My best friend? So that means I have to tell Sam. I thought to myself.

'I wonder if she feels the same wa-don't think that! Of course she doesn't you big hairy thing!' I thought to myself. "Hi, Jake. How are you?" Bella said while bringing me outta my thoughts.

"Oh Bell's, I'm doing great. How was your unpacking?" I said while going up to her and hugging her. She smelt like the fresh ocean, and that smelt soooo good.

"Oh yeah that, it was kind of slow. It didn't take much of my energy though." She said while she was looking at the peaceful forest. "Hey, want to start walking to the beach? I know a short cut, it's in the forest." I say while gesturing towards the forest.

3rd POV:
As they walked on the beach of La Push, Jake asked "Can I ask you something?" "Of course Jake, anything." Bella said smiling looking out at the beautiful beach they are now in. "Well I know we've been friends long ago, well since when I first started getting really close with you I felt something in myself that yearns to always protect you, yeah, I know it sounds cringey but it's true." Jacob says looking down at the sand.

"Hey, look at me. It's okay that you feel protective of me, I mean like, that how best friends are, protective of each other. You know what Jake? If you keep looking down at the plain sand, I am literally going to drag you brown butt into the water. Do not ever feel ashamed of being protective over me or anyone else for the matter. You got that Jake?" Bella says making Jacob look at her.

Bella's POV:
I thought of something to change the subject, "So Jake, you make your shift yet?" I said while Jacob looked like he was in his own world.

"Hmm? What did you say Bellsy?" His dumbfounded. I missed the nickname he would call me when we were younger. I sigh annoyingly and said, "I said, did you make your shift yet?"

"Oh, umm, that. What I said about being protective of you, I meant it, I swear with all my life, I will and always protect you. And that being said.......I kind imprinted on you. So that means I can be anything you want me to be, a friend, a brother, hell even a protector." Did I just hear that come out of 16 year old Jacob Ephriam Black's mouth?! I thought wish a mixture of happiness and confusion.

Eeekkkksssss cliffhanger! I love them!
Anyways, I'll do another chapter tomorrow. I promise!
Cya in the next chapter! Love y'all!

Jacob and Bella reunited (Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now