Chapter 1

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If you still wish to read, please don't curse at me in the comments for what I've written. I've given you the warnings.

Takemichi was cooking some eggs with fried rice in four bowls next to him. "Mama! Kazuchi's trying to steal his bowl early!" A high-pitched voice screamed. "Gah! Taketora, shut up!" Another screamed right behind Takemichi. "Kazuchi, remember, don't tell people to shut up rudely." Takemichi lightly hit the little boy with black hair with the handle of his spatula. "-Ow."

Takemichi turned to see Kazuchi covering his mouth to not laugh. Taketora and Kazuchi both had black hair, Kazuchi have blue eyes and Taketora having gold. "If you two are already bored, go help mama set up the table." Takemichi ordered. "Whoever sets it down the most neatly will have extra eggs."

Hearing that, both rushed to grab the utensils. "Wait, I need my ruler!" "Me too!" Both rushed into a nearby room.

Takemichi and Kazutora's house was a small apartment. One room as a bathroom, two bedrooms, and a living room. They got a discount since Kazutora promised to help the nice landlady as a part-time body guard, of course, not doing really dangerous missions though. Takemichi works as a at home worker, often doing his papers on laptops and sometimes going out to deliver it, their neighbor watching his kids despite his protests.

Also, today was a really good day for Takemichi. He heard from his co-workers that he's getting a promotion today. Even if it's just a bit of extra money, he can use it to buy his kids some new toys and clothes. Kazutora can take it a bit more easy with his part-times and spend time with his family more.

'Today's suppose to be a good day. Yet why do I feel a bit of unease...?'


After breakfast, Takemichi took his kids to daycare. "Have fun in daycare, Kazuchi, Taketora." Takemichi kissed their foreheads as a goodbye before leaving. "Ew! Stop kissing there! We're not kids!" Taketora complained, wiping his forehead. Takemichi chuckled and left.

'I should get some groceries.' Takemichi brought some of his bags and went for the supermarket he usually stopped by. He went for the meat section first. The ground beef were on sale today so Takemichi took two packages. 'Hehehe~. If I hide some vegetables in this and dunk it in sauce, Taketora won't be able to know~.' Takemichi put on a creepy face, imagining Taketora's shocked face when he tells him.

Takemichi went for the snack aisle later, having finished picking up everything else he needed. He saw the dorayaki on one of the shelves, passing by it with a pale face and going for the chips. 'Forget about him. He's not here...' Takemichi figure trembled at the thought of Mikey and the others. They were so kind, yet that one night showed their true desires. Their disgusting faces scarred Takemichi's mind.

"Your total is 3,920.07 yen." The cashier said in a bored tone. Takemichi handed him four 1,000 yen bills. "Thanks for shopping with us I guess." "Thank you."

Takemichi left with a happy face after calming down for a bit. Kazutora has a short schedule today so he should be at home at around 3pm. 'Just 6 more hours till I see him~.' Takemichi smiled at the thought of surprising Kazutora with his promotion.

"...So you were here, Takemitchy~... Ah~, I wanna fuck you so badly now~..." A quiet voice whispered out, stalking Takemichi from a black tinted window car.


*I'll pick up the kids today, Takemichi! <3* Takemichi read Kazutora's message. *Okay!* He texted back.

"Alright! Time to start fixing up dinner!"

Takemichi was going to go all out. He felt so happy having his rank go from a beginner to a to a unit chief. His co-workers sent him congratulatory chocolates but most were dark chocolate so he'll give to Kazutora.


Takemichi fiddled with his fingers in worry. It's now 5pm and Kazutora still isn't back. His messages were left unseen and the kids aren't back, despite most of the routes home were drilled in his head. What if Toma-

'No no no no! Kazutora should be able to hold against Mikey long enough to either go for the police if he was there. What if he was threatened? Or worst...' A wave of nausea made Takemichi feel like puking. He tapped his foot impatiently, looking at the front door with fear. He was expecting Kazutora to just come in hurriedly, apologizing for being really late with the kids behind him, asking what was for dinner. But that never came.

'Please Kazutora. I can't lose you...'

*Knock Knock*

That sound put relief in Takemichi, quickly rushing to the door but stopping as he realized something. 'Kazutora has a key to this aprtment room. There's even a spare hidden in the sign right to the door stating the number that only we know of. Danger.'

Takemichi went for the door hole, grabbing the chair the kids used to put on shoes. He tiptoed on it, peering over the clear door hole. There was no one. Was it just a prank from the kids downstairs? They did do harmless pranks to most residents.

Still not wanting to risk it, Takemichi went to the kitchen for a knife, grabbing the butcher knife. Slowly opening the door, he hesitantly looked around. There was no one in sight, except for a black cat. 'Eh? That cat looks really familiar.' Takemichi walked over to it, placing the knife on top of the show cabinet and taking a closer inspection.

He instantly went pale remembering who it was. 'Peke J! Chifuyu's pet!' Takemichi knew that this meant Toman was here. He was about to run and call the cops but a hand went over his mouth with a white cloth.

"It's alright partner~. Kazutora-chan is safe with us~."

Takemichi recognized that voice. 'Chifuyu!' He unconsciously inhaled the weird scent, feeling his eyes go droopy slowly. He tried to scream but Chifuyu didn't allow that, gripping his jaw with a hurting force. "Kazutora-chan looked so cute when we did this. He looked like he was about to cry~! HE must be so happy seeing us again!" Chifuyu said, holding the knocked out Takemichi.

He picked up Peke J, giving him a peck on his pink nose. "Good kitty. You did well~." Peke J just meowed, not knowing what he had done.



Hope ya enjoyed beautiful people! :D

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