Chapter 15.

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3rd Person:


The walk back to the apartment was pure hell for Hanna. She didn't know if Cyrus was home, but she prayed to God he wasn't. She couldn't deal with him right now.

She already felt bad enough for telling him off, after he'd been kind enough to let her live with him. But she legitimately felt like she was going to die.

Another part hoped that he'd be there, offering a big brother hug that never compared to anyone elses. Have him put aside their fight and focus on the fact that his little sister was heart broken for the very first time...

And hopefully the last.

While walking, Hanson had decided on swearing out love for the rest of her life. She could get a nice job, adopt some cats, and live a quiet life in hiding. Where no hockey player could sneak into her heart and rip it out like it was nothing.

As she stepped into the door, Hanna was bombarded with the smell of beef vegetable soup. Her favorite. She shut the door behind her, making her way into the kitchen. She didn't even bother to try to freshen up.

Slaving in front of the stove was Cyrus. He looked up and saw Hanson's disheveledness, immediately enveloping her in a hug. "Sis, are you really crying over what happened at the rink? We were just angry, that's all."

Hanna burst into tears. "I'm sorry Cyrus," She said between hiccups. "I'm such an ass of a little sister. You let me move in with you and I disrespected you, and I'm sorry."

Cyrus just continued to rub circles into her back, letting her release all of her emotions.

"Did you make the beef  vegetable soup special for me?" She asked.

"Yeah," Cyrus admitted while blushing. "Kind of a peace offering."

This made Hanna cry even harder. She didn't even expect Cyrus to remember beef vegetable soup was her favorite, let alone for him to cook it for her. She had the best big brother in the world.

Hanna pulled away and wiped her tears on her sleeve. "Cy, can I tell you something?"

Cyrus scoffed. "Of course, you know you can."

Hanson licked her lips and prepared herself. Then she spilled everything to Cyrus about Jesse, minus the having sex part...because, well. Older brother. He didn't need to know that information.

Cyrus listened patiently, nodding and giving verbal cues appropriately until she finished. "Well, sis. I knew something was going on between you and Taylor since the day you first met. I'm not stupid."

"You did?" Hanson asked, trying not to flinch at the sound of his last name.

"Uhhh, yeah?" Cyrus rolled his eyes playfully. "I've never seen him look at a girl. You clearly caught his attention, and you must be pretty damn special to have done that."

"Well, he clearly doesn't love me. He said so himself today in the locker room."

"I'm actually pissed at how poorly he treated you," Cyrus admitted. "But he clearly loves you. Don't even say he doesn't."

Hanna sighed. "Well how am I supposed to say he does when he clearly says he doesn't?"

Cyrus groaned. "I don't know, sis. I'm sure you wouldn't open up to the idea of me talking to him about it?"

"Oh my god, NO!" Hanna yelled, eyes wide. "That has embarrassing and bad idea written all over it!"

"Okay, okay." Cyrus said as he put his arm around his little sister. "I'll won't say anything. Now, let's go have some soup."


Jesse punched the wall for a fifth time, his knuckles bruised and bloody after the third hit.

Why did he let himself do this? Why did he deny himself love?

He was starting to think that Hanson may have exceeded hockey in importance..

No. He's lying. He didn't mean that. Hockey will always be first. Has been, always will be. He's just caught up in the idea of her. That's all. It's a crush. It'll pass.

But would a crush hurt this damn bad...?

His thoughts were interrupted by a text message from.. Chase?

Jesse opened it, his heart racing in anticipation. What could he possibly want now?

Hah. Way to fuck up. She's mine now.

Jesse could only think one thing: Over my dead body.



Just as a little apology and also a thank you. (:

Love you all so much!

Much love,


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