Into high gear

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Venma was in the equestria library disguised as a young mare and was looking for summoning books until she saw one and looked through it once she found the spell they needed she took the book and disappeared with it.

Cosmos and Venma were in the dragons lair but before they could perform the spell, a changling army show's up along side a few forest creatures showed up.

"What brings you here creatures", venma asked them curiously and then they bowed as one of the changlings stared at venma

"We want to help you take over the hive and equestria", as he bowed down too.

Venma and Cosmos stared at their army as they sent Changlings and bat-ponies to the hive and the twin princesses to take the throne for them and the timberwolves were sent to canterlot to stall the town and the main six.

As the attacks raged on Venma sent tatzlwurms to capture her prince and then they watched the destruction they caused and once they were done, they sought out their desires and waited while some Changlings performed their summoning spell.

Soon two worms came to Venma and Cosmos with a note saying "hooves off my husband", that's when they realized those are their tatzlwurms.

"That hybrid took something from me so now i will take everything from her find their daughter and destroy her now!!!".

Cosmos calmed her partner down "easy Venny i love your idea it will draw them out but we need to account for the rest of equestria".

Venma laughed maniacally "that's why I have that bell powering our dragon", cosmos and venma watched as a shadow dragon crawled out of a portal and broke through the cave and charged for the everfree forest to destroy everything.

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