All I have is family

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As the blast hits screwball in the back "daddy help", screwball whispers as she hits the ground,

Cozy glow holds screwball in her hooves crying "mom no please be okay", when discord and family arrive fluttershy tends to her daughter while discord and zany go to battle cosmos and venma but it looks like mothball is about to lose his battle and cozy glow watches as the family she tried to avoid is risking their lives for her.

Cozy glow charges to her father's side just as the shadow dragon knocked mothball out of dragon form, "cozy glow stay back!!", Fluttershy shouts after cozy glow who isn't listening.

"C'mon bug eyes you can do it", zany taunts as he dodges venma's attacks

while discord and cosmos are blasting chaos beams at each other "Why must you always try to ruin my family cosmos ?",
Discord asked irritated.

"Discord darling your the one making it so easy for them to destroy", Cosmos said maniacally

Cozy glow flys away leading the dragon away from her family and it worked but that wasn't her only plan, she than dashed up snatching the bell from the shadow dragon and putting it around her own neck.

"Hey shadow breathe stay away from my family", cozy glow shouted while shooting a beam from her newly formed horn destroying the shadow dragon.

As discord and zany dodged out of the way of the beam from cozy glow's horn which turned their enemies to stone, they watched as cozy glow became tired and exhausted and then she passed out.

A few months after cozy glow saved her family, all of equestria attended to watch her get a medal and congratulate her but she never showed up.

Because after putting the bell back the draconequus family decided to take a rest and go on a picnic.

For cozy glow had finally found what she was looking for all this time......a family

The End

Author's Note:

This only the end of the first book not the series stay tuned for more

All I need is familyWhere stories live. Discover now