Elena Midrigal

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Author: mcytstories24

Elena is Camilo twin sister. Nut her gift isn't helpful so they put her aside. Just like Bruno

Time to read: 12 minutes

Chapters: 9

Status: Ongoing

Rate: 3 stars

~ It was nice. I don't know how okay for a five year old is a coffee (it really isn't, I just said it), but okay. In rest, I liked the idea. Loved Camilo's loyalty. ~

Tip for the author: You, author, are writing this book from your perspective of things (teen, young adult, adult, etc.), and not from the point of view of a five years old. To bring this story closer to reality (that is, of course, if you want), you can document yourself a bit about children and how they act, think in general. It may come in handy! For example: a child, usually, doesn't drink coffee. Not even a teen is supposed to, because it damages the brain in the future. I don't think children know the true value of friendship or know that they want to make that big step in life. All I'm saying is that you have already matured these characters that are five years old, and, to me, it's not alright. I'm not taking it personally, it just doesn't fit in the context that you put them into. I hope you can take your feedback with an open mind! Oh, and it's 'Madrigal' instead of 'Midrigal'

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