A new world

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"Hi guys need help,"questioned Alex. He had seen them working all day and figured they were tired. As he went over he couldn't help but notice the jinormous hole in the ground. It was probably what they were working on.

"Sure just don't fall into the hole," stated Brian. He nodded and caught a hurt look from Jack. Brian pointed up to the tree house. Sluggishly Alex climbed up, he saw wood, nails, and paint at the top. He still wondered why Jack looked so hurt and what the hole is for. Lost in thought he didn't see the paint. The paint spilled making him slip and fall over the edge straight into the hole.

The wind was suffocating to Alex. He had no idea where this ended he just hopped it was soft. As he fell he recalled recent events. Trying to figure out how he got here. Then he heard "We are coming for ya buddy." Peices of gravel hit Alex, he passed out.

When he woke up Brian, Jack and Sam were all around him. " What happened" croaked Alex. His mouth was surprisingly dry. He was amazed by the senery around him, it didn't look like any thing on earth. Alex tried to stand but only got to his knees before falling. He took in hi suroundings. The things that looked like trees had brown leaves and green trunks. The ground was blue and the sky was green. It looked like the opposite of earth.

I will call it opposite world from now on he thought. "You fell into the hole and landed in our world opitopia," Brian answered with a smirk," and you passed out." They picked him up and brought Alex to a green cabin. Finally comfortable he slept in peace.

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