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Alex had no idea how much time had past. Brian, Jack and Sam were all gone. He wondered if they went to get food, cause boy was he hungry. He climbed out of bed and left the cabin. Alex ran to the nearest tree he grabbed the ax next to it. The boy went into the forrest to find food. Little did he know the boys had food for him and were a minute in the opposite direction.

Lost, he was lost, no forest in sight. He had seen awkward looking squirrels and peqular chipmunks that bite. Alex also found a bear that hugs really who made opitopia, really. This was a field shaped like the dessert but with trees here and therewas grass g-r-a-s-s, grass. He was alone, hungry and tired.

Not knowing were anybody was he stopped and waited. That was until he saw a black lab. He had always wanted one. So common sence said it was ok. As he got closer he noticed it was just a puppy, barley old enough to leave it's mom. He picked it up and started Walking again. He forgot about being lost and made a little house. He went to sleep.

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