Chapter 1 - Detroit

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"Sir, I'm going to need you to turn off your laptop and cell till the plane takes off. You may use your devices when we are inflight." The female attendant asked of the boy politely, who is still trying to contact Lena Vargas despite after several failed attempts to do so.

Greyson apologized immediately, having not heard the announcement due to the distractions of his own thoughts. The boy then nodded, pushing the top panel down gently but hastily, watching as the female stepped away from his seat to do a final check.

Prior to his decision to go to Detroit City himself, Greyson, Garrett, and Shelley has exhausted all ways to contact the animal behaviorist, but was unsuccessful. Frustrated with the thought of the gorillas' possible fate, Greyson then suggested to Richard Klitzing that he approach her personally at her workplace, which is in Detroit. The idea sounds reasonable, considering the urgency of the matter, so Richard Klitzing personally arranged for the trip, while still awaiting approval from the proper authorities.

As Richard Klitzing is still required in his office to liaise with the directors, he then handed the responsibility of tracking down Dr Lena Vargas to Greyson, his most trusted assistant. After all, the man knew that Greyson would be able to succeed at his task regardless of a motivation or not. Garrett and Shelley knew they would not be with Central City Zoo anymore after today, and thus could not intervene with the matters of the organization. They could only leave while requesting Greyson to stay in contact.

Upon his manager's success in using his connections to get a seat on a fully booked flight, Greyson hurriedly packed some clothes and necessities into a backpack within hours of the incident, before rushing to the airport to catch the plane. It was apparently someone else's seat, but the male had brought it over from the person with a higher price, something that is not that easy to pull off unless you knew the person is okay with taking a later flight or rescheduling, but either way, it was one obstacle cleared out of many upcoming.

Although it was an overnight flight, Greyson was unable to fall asleep due to his worrying nature, thus, decided to do some research of the foreign city on his laptop the moment the plane took off. The first information that popped up on his search results was its crime rates, which is significantly higher than most cities, especially in the neighborhoods and downtown, but thankfully, Detroit Zoo is in the city area, so the male thought that he did not have to worry as much about his safety.

After about six hours of flight, the plane landed at Detroit airport safely in the morning, with Greyson carrying his huge backpack while being on the moving walkway towards the exit. He had received details regarding his itinerary in Detroit City by Richard Klitzing while on flight, his manager having arranged his stay as much as possible from his side, after all, Greyson went on this trip for work, though he is driven by his personal desire and motive of clearing Clyde's name.

At the pick-up point located outside of the airport, Omarr Igwe, a contact located in Detroit City was arranged by Richard Klitzing to wait for Greyson there, being hired as a driver for his personal safety and convenience in the city.

"Greyson Choi." Omarr called out to Greyson in a general tone, getting the attention of the younger male, who stood out among the others waiting for someone on site. The named male took a second to take in the older's appearance, before responding with a smile.

"Mr Igwe?"

"You can just call me Omarr. I'll be taking care of your accommodations and literary here in Detroit. Now, let me drop you off at the hotel so you could take a proper rest after the flight."

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