-childhood memories-

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    There were many things Aizawa liked but the top of the list had to be when Ito smiled, Ito was normally seen with a blank neutral face making many children stay away from him despite that Ito was smaller than normal children, so when Ito did smile it was the best day ever the first time Aizawa saw Ito smile it was during nap time, he and Aizawa weren't able to sleep so they stayed up and whispered to each other, (well Aizawa did all the talking while Ito just listened) it had happened after Aizawa had just finished telling a story of the strange dream he had last night.

"It was so weird like you were there and so was your turtle except he was as tall as a building and we were all grown up and we were saving the day but then near the end of the dream strawberry turned into a turtle made out of strawberries, it was so strange and funny"

Aizawa said with a smile about to say something else only to pause at the sight of Ito smiling a small smile, Aizawa froze at the sight, his heart beating like it wanted to jump out of his chest, gulping slightly Aizawa spoke again, "Wow Ito-Kun you have a cute smile" He stared making said boy blink before a small blush came onto his face, Aizawa smiled at Ito before quickly going back to his dream he had the night before.

The second time Aizawa saw Ito smile was when he invited Ito over to play at his house his mom was so excited she accidentally made too many snacks but when Ito arrived and saw the snacks a small smile appeared on his face it was a great full smile and he later told Aizawa that cause of his quirk his has a huge appetite and was worried that he would be rude to ask for more snacks when he arrived making Aizawa smile at him, "you could never be rude Ito-Kun your the nicest person I know well besides my mom but you know what I mean" Aizawa rambled making Ito's shoulders shake with quiet laughter, to say that Aizawa's mom was surprised to hear her normally quiet son talk for so long was an understatement, that day Aizawa had sworn to protect Ito and his smile.

The third time Aizawa saw Ito smile was also the last time in his childhood they were going into middle school at the time and Aizawa was nervous but thankfully Ito was there to be a shoulder for Aizawa to lean on, as time passed Ito had grown a bit taller and had managed to put some more meat on his bones when looking back Aizawa was amazed by how Ito was once so small and skinny now was taller and had for meat, of course, he was shorter then most kids his age by a couple of inches but he wouldn't be Ito without that side of him. Aizawa was scared he wouldn't fit in, in his new school but Ito was there giving his support and comforting Aizawa but it all stopped when Aizawa spoke, "at least I'll have you right?" Aizawa has asked only for Ito to stay silent no hums or grunts of agreement or disagreement, this silence was a silence that Aizawa knew was used for, 'we need to talk' is what the silence said, removing himself from Ito's warmth Aizawa looked up at Ito, "you'll be there....right?" Aizawa asked his voice cracking a bit, Ito stayed silent before he shook his head, "y-your not going to the same school but why?" Aizawa asked as he started to panic a bit, Ito wasn't going to be with him? But what will he do? Ito has always been there and Aizawa has always been there for Ito! If Ito isn't there then what is Aizawa's purpose!? He always dedicated his day to Ito and what to do with him!. As if Sensing Aizawa's panic Ito placed a comforting hand on Aizawa's shoulder. Looking up Aizawa felt tears flood his eyes, Ito was looking at him with warm eyes that were filled with comfort warmth, and Love, and on his face was the very thing Aizawa swore to protect, Ito's smile.

Our own family (Aizawa x male oc) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora