-Highschool life 1-

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Aizawa sighed from his spot on Ito's bed as he dragged his eyes through a book, lifting his eyes Aizawa watched as Ito gently fed his now normal sized turtle, as the years went by Ito started to grow and was now a decent height but still being somewhat smaller than other kids his age, Aizawa just sat there for a moment observing Ito, he didn't know why he did this but maybe it was the way Ito would finally let go of all the tension in his muscles and just let himself be himself, or maybe it was that when Aizawa went to UA and Ito went to online schooling they won't have enough time to spend together in these peaceful moments,

With Soft music playing and the curtains closed and the only lights being the soft glow of fairy lights and Ito's turtles lamp,and him covered in a soft blanket reading a book with Ito or watching whatever movie they wanted,

As if feeling Aizawa's stare Ito turned to look at his childhood friend, seeing those black eyes filled with warmth but also with sadness made Ito's lips twitch down into a frown, gently setting strawberry back into his tank Ito approached Aizawa making the older male flinch back to the present, Ito settled into his bed and gently scooped Aizawa in his arms starling him,

"Um what's wrong Ito?" Aizawa asked the male, Ito merely stayed silent as he tightened his arms before gently rubbing Aizawa's arm, instantly recognizing Ito's silent comfort Aizawa sighed, "I'm fine you big softy I'm just *sigh* why do you have to do online school, with me going to UA I won't be as close to your house anymore so we won't be able to hang out that much" Aizawa confessed as he started to ramble, Ito merely rubbed Aizawa's arm a bit more, it was silent for a moment the song ending and strawberry sleeping on his rock in his tank,

"Let live together"

Aizawa blinked before his eyes widened and he quickly turned to face Ito, "w-w-what?" Aizawa mumbled out in shock while Ito just blinked with his normal blank face making Aizawa start to think he imagined those words, and he would have thought that had Ito not spoke again,

"Let live together" Ito repeated his voice low and rough from not speaking much, Ito watched as Aizawa started to stumble over his words as heat flooded his face, Ito stayed silent as he let Aizawa collect himself, 

"U-um yeah okay let's do that" Aizawa agreed making Ito's lips twitch into a small smile, Aizawa however despite in awe of Ito's smile Aizawa asked one of his concerns, "wait but what about your brother I don't want you to have to leave your bother all alone" Aizawa spoke, even if he liked the idea of living together Aizawa would never want to break a family apart, Ito hummed before unplugging his phone from his side table, Aizawa watched Ito typed on his phone for a while before showing him what he was doing

"Apartments near me and UA for sale"
Aizawa read out loud making his eyes go wide again, before he relaxed and let a small smile grace his face, "I guess you thought of everything haven't you?" Aizawa said making Ito shake his head, "I want your help on our apartment" Ito said making Aizawa laugh,
"I'm serious I can get a job and support us while in school" Ito said once Aizawa stopped laughing, "I like that thought but one thing at a time Ito" Aizawa said as he took the phone,

"Now I was thinking about two bedrooms with a decent living room connected to the kitchen"
Aizawa planned as he looked at the apartments unknown to the soft smile and look Ito was giving him as he tightened his grip on him just a bit.

Our own family (Aizawa x male oc) Where stories live. Discover now